School Wide Positive Behaviour Support 

Welcome to the page in the Newsletter where we celebrate student success.  


*There was no assembly this week - we will leave you in suspense of which students have been doing great things! 


This week students have been learning how to be SAFE, RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE LEARNERS at the Athletics Day next week. 


Classes have been looking at what happens on the day and how they get there. What it will look and sound like. How they will get there and what they will need to do. 


This process includes role playing, social stories, visual sequencing cards, looking at photos of passed Athletics Day, trying on House top and training for events in P.E class.

Sequencing the Day Bunting
Sequencing the Day Bunting


Students have worked with their teachers to set expectations for them to follow. They are very similar across the school with classes choosing things that they might need reminding to do on the day. 


Athletics Day is always a great day. Students are encouraged to cheer for their House while supporting all who are having a go!

The Naranga School Expectations Matrix
The Naranga School Expectations Matrix