
Dungeons and Dragons 

A few of our senior boys started talking about the awesome (and a bit scary) show “Stranger Things” with us last year. Anyone who has seen it will know that they play a tabletop role-playing game called Dungeons and Dragons where the monsters from the game then start appearing in real life! One of our seniors then thought about how cool it would be if we started our own Dungeons and Dragons group. 

This term we have been meeting one lunchtime each week to play our way through our Dungeons and Dragons quest called ‘The Little Town of Tusk.’ So far the group have done a terrific job of creating their characters (including some very heroic and detailed backstories), explored parts of the town, combatted against skeletons, fought a mysterious cloaked figure, and protected our friends from threats! Next week our group has to set out to find the mysterious Professor who has the answer to cure our injured friend. 

Well done to our awesome group for giving this game a go, working together, problem solving, and having to stay calm and support each other when things get a bit tough! We can’t wait to see what is in store for the rest of the term in our adventure.


Georgia (Mental Health Practitioner/Psychologist) and Deone (Therapy Assistant)


Reminder: Parent/Guardian play information session 


Sinead (OT), Kyria (speech therapist) and Georgia (psychologist) are running sessions for parents and guardians called Learn to Play


Please join us Thursday afternoons at 1.30 until 2.45 at Naranga to learn lots of play ideas for home and have afternoon tea with other families.


We look forward to seeing you there!


The Naranga Therapy Team