VUSC News Issue One

Welcome to 2019
Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
A warm welcome back to the 2019 school year!
I believe it is a pertinent time to inform you all about the decision Genevieve Simson made to further challenge herself and solidify her role as an educator, by accepting a role as the Executive Principal at a new multi campus secondary college in Shepparton. In light of this, I am acting College Principal for this term and will do my utmost to ensure the transition is smooth.
The school is off to a positive and more settled start than usual, with all Year 8 to 12 students having commenced their 2019 programs at the end of last year, where they met with their teachers and had an introduction to all subjects for this year. Other organisational matters such as the allocation of lockers were also attended to at the end of last year, which has helped to minimise disruption to students’ classes now. It is hoped that this uninterrupted start will assist students to sharpen their focus on their learning from the beginning of the year.
A very special welcome to our new Year 7 students, who are a delightful group, and to all those students who are new to other year levels, and to their families. We hope that you enjoy your time here at Victoria University Secondary College and that it is rewarding for you both educationally and personally.
As is always the case, we look forward to working together with parents to support our students to reach the levels of achievement they are individually capable of. Again, we invite parents to work together with us to ensure students are meeting the basic requirements necessary for success in their studies. These include:
- Excellent attendance and punctuality
- Bringing the appropriate books and equipment each day
- Using class time effectively
- Completing homework
- Keeping to deadlines for submission of work
- Putting in maximum effort at all times.
The last point on ‘maximum effort’ is one that underlies all of the others, and it will be explicitly emphasised with the students throughout the year. Of course, the chances of this message being conveyed successfully will be much greater if it is also reinforced at home, so we will be most appreciative if parents too can emphasise the importance of consistent and persistent effort.
A comprehensive Parent Checklist is available below for you to download.
The College is also very pleased to welcome the following staff who are joining the teaching and education support teams this year:
Abby Malagoli – Physical Education
Amanda Stevens – Mathematics/Science
Andrew Rosenblat – Literacy
Daniella Tigani – Studio Art/Visual Communication
Elizabeth Naqvi – Learning Support
Harry Lee – Junior Campus Youth Worker
Jasmine Zhang – Chinese/Humanities
Khoi Nguyen – English/Humanities
Margarat O’Shea – Head Start Cluster Director
Mariam Hussein – English/Humanities
Matthew Stock – Junior Campus Grounds/Maintenance
Pooja Kumar – Senior Laboratory Technician
Simone Fallon – English/Humanities/Drama
College Captains
On behalf of the whole school community, I am delighted to announce our College Captains for 2019.
Congratulations to Akon Chol and Benjamin Mariano who have been elected Captains, and to Vice Captains Karlee Maitland and Meynard Rabino at the Senior Campus.
At the Junior Campus, congratulations to Campus Captains Donald La and Samira Zudeski, and Vice Captains Keidis Galuega and Sage Cachia.
Each of these students have already shown themselves to be really deserving of these leadership roles, and we look forward to working with them and all of our student leaders.
And finally, thank you to all of our parents and carers for your excellent support in ensuring that your sons and daughters have been well prepared for the start of the year. We have had such a positive start, and this is in part due to your efforts, especially with books, equipment, devices and uniform.
If you have any concerns or questions about how your child has settled in, please do not hesitate to contact their Year Level Co-ordinator.
Elaine Hazim
Acting College Principal