English as an Additional Language


Peer Tutoring Program

CSC is running an EAL Peer Tutoring Program working in partnership with Craigieburn South Primary School to support their EAL students with homework.

We have some amazing students that are volunteering to give up their personal time (after school) to support younger students with their education.


The aim of the Peer Tutoring program is to support primary school students with their homework, but it is also about our EAL students building on and improving their own skills such as self-esteem, leadership, confidences and social skills.  These students have been well- trained and have gained skills that will enable them to interact and support primary school students with their homework. The program runs Thursdays from 3:15pm-4:00pm  

Our EAL students are thankful to be given this great opportunity and experience  by the Craigieburn South Primary School. They are also displaying CSC values and to are good role models for the younger students.


The College is running an EAL parents and students forum, the aim of this program is focusing on transitioning process from year 9 into year 10. It outlines and educates parents and students on the subject selection process at Craigieburn Secondary College, career options and the support that is available to our EAL students.