College Programs

Relentless Girl

The Relentless program has begun this term and the girls have been engaged in the content being covered.

Delivered over 5 weeks by social workers and professional martial artists Sylvia Scharper and Matt Williams, ‘The Relentless’ engages participants in a range of areas critical to mental health and wellbeing, with each session (or ‘Round’) featuring 45 minutes of physical activities followed by 15 minutes of group work to take place in the Ring. 

Each session draws on martial art metaphors and examples to extrapolate the learning, in an innovative, fun and engaging way.


Aspire Leadership Program

Sixteen students from the College have been selected to be part of the Aspire Leadership Program which provides them the opportunity to develop their skills and knowledge in leadership. The aim of the Aspire Leadership Program is to prepare these students for leadership opportunities both during their time at the College and beyond their formal education. Students have already engaged in four out of the ten leadership workshop sessions where they learnt about the voice of a leader and the power of teamwork. These students recently attended an excursion to an escape room in which they were required to apply some of the leadership skills that they had learnt to achieve their combined goal. 


Girls Shine at CSC

During Term 2, 20 students have been participating in the program Shine that is being delivered on a Tuesday. The girls are really enjoying the opportunity to immerse themselves in  this personal development program. The SHINE curriculum provides unique personal development and group mentoring that use inspirational, practical and experiential approach to learning. The program is founded upon the premise that EVERY life counts and has intrinsic value and fosters an awareness of this belief.

During Term 3 we can look forward to some of the girls outlining  their personal experience in the program. We look forward to their contributions in the forthcoming Newsletter.