CSC Activites

VCD Excursion to Top Designs at Melbourne Museum

On Friday the 17th May the year 12 Visual Communication and Design class ventured into Melbourne city to explore the Top Designs exhibition at the Melbourne Museum.


The class had the fantastic opportunity to see the most outstanding work of last year’s VCE design students. Design work across all fields were on display and students were able to flip through folios and see final presentations up close. The work was incredible and quite inspirational.


Afterwards, students explored the rest of Melbourne Museum including the forest area, dinosaurs and a few students even braved the super hairy giant spiders on display.

Outdoor Education Camp – Bear Gully/ Diggers Island

Earlier this term, year 9 Outdoor Education students headed out to Walkerville, Victoria, on a three day overnight camp. The overarching goal of the camp was to accept the challenge, where students were required to participate in activities such as surfing, hiking, outdoor cooking and camping. The main activity during the camp involved an overnight hike to a remote camping area located at Diggers island. For many students, this was their first camping experience and proved to be very much rewarding for those students. Hiking over an uneven coastal environment, surfing in difficult conditions,  cooking their own meals using a trangia and being away from the luxuries of a toilet were just some the challenges that these students accepted. For some of our more experienced campers, Daniel Hall , Mitchell Wright, Jordie Butler and Jack Cullen were challenged with some unwanted and hungry wombats that kept attacking their tent at night. There was some interesting conversations had between the boys at the time, including which member of the group would be sacrificed to the plant eating wombats.  A big thankyou to Mr Achibald and Miss Doganay for volunteering their time and helping to provide a memorable experience to a great group of students.

Mr McMahon

Student Representative Council

Our SRC have been working hard developing a sustainability project for school. Here are some photos of them hard at work on their proposal.

Year 10 Subject Taster Day


Every year the College is committed to equipping our year 10 students with the best information and experiences to enable them to make informed choices about their future.  The students had the opportunity last week to experience what subjects in year 11 would be like.  Over the course of the day, they experienced 8 mini lessons and engaged in activities that would give them an indication of VCE and or VCAL. Following the success of these Subject Taster Sessions in 2018 and in response to the positive student feedback, we are also offering this one day program to students in year 9 next term.