Art Exhibition

Mid-Year Art Show

The mid-year Art Show opened on Wednesday 25th June in the Craigieburn Secondary College Library. The official opening was celebrated with a night of music, food and a celebratory awards ceremony. The show attracted a large crowd of students, families and friends and was officially opened by Assistant Principle Carla Mountney.


Holly Schneider and David Payne presented awards to students for outstanding achievement and for showing great potential in the arts. The mid-year Art Show runs over the final week of term and all students and staff are welcome to attend.


The work on display has been made by students across all year levels including year 7 and 8 Art and Design, year 9 Textiles and 2D Art, year 10 2D and 3D Art, year 11 Media and year 12 Visual Communication and Design. The show includes drawings, paintings, sculpture, textiles and product design.