Just Dance

Just Dance Concert

On the 13th of June Craigieburn Secondary College had the privilege of hosting its first all dance concert. Dance students throughout the college were involved in what turned out to be an amazing night, performing to members of the school and community. Students from year 8 – 12 along with support from friends and family showcased the hard work and dedication they have put in throughout the semester in a showcase of professional standards. The audience were entertained with performances of culture, style and even a few courageous solo performers which were able to captivate the supportive crowd with a pure display of skill, understanding and knowledge of their performed routines. The students created such a positive and rich environment that brought forward the best in each student that danced that night. The vibe and energy backstage was nothing short of amazing as the students showed their support of each other side stage by cheering and encouraging one another before, during and after, this effort did not go unrecognised as it lifted the spirits of even the most nervous performer bring out a new found confidence through this experience. Overall the dance concert was a huge success and has set such a high standard for future performances to come. We would like to thank all the students who performed that night as well as all the friends, families and teachers who came to support the night and the students.