Principal's Report

Principal's Report

July Break

The upcoming holidays provide an opportunity for students and staff to have a well-earned break.  All of the staff across the College have worked extremely hard this term. I would to thank everyone for their dedication in ensuring that all students have the best learning opportunities.  

For our senior students this is a good chance to consolidate the learning done in Units one and three by reviewing and summarising the topics covered. 


Student Reports Online

All end of semester reports will be available through the Compass parent portal. Use your parent username and password to access your child’s report.

IMPORTANT!    Please keep a record of your Compass access codes as the school uses this portal for a number of important communications about your child’s learning progress  including Parent–Teacher interview bookings, Grade Point Average (GPA) reports and Semester reports.


Upcoming Performing Arts events

Some exciting events are coming up in term 3. Please keep an eye on College communications for more information on;

Discovery Day

Mid-year awards ceremony

The little mermaid production

Battle of the Bands


Essential Educational Items Fees

Thank you to all those families who have paid their Essential Student Materials fee. The overall cost of the fees has been significantly reduced in comparison to previous years and provides essential services and equipment to your child and our learning community. 

To support this new reduced fee structure it is important that all families contribute. If all members of our community contribute in an equal manner then all of our children will thrive in our stronger learning community.

To arrange payment please contact the front office for options including;

Credit / Cash


Payment plans

Centre pay