Senior School

What is a study score for a VCE student?
Some of the most frequently asked questions of parents and students is how the Study Score in VCE is calculated. It is a perplexing topic and one which we cover with our students regularly as well as parents in VCE information sessions. VCAA (the Victorian Curriculum Assessment Authority) has put together this resource to help parents and students understand how their VCE study scores are calculated. Each video is only about 2 minutes and we think will help you and your child(ren) understand this concept. We will provide you with more information in August, our VCE information session for parents.
VCAA have released the following three topics:
- ‘What’s a Study Score’ and ‘How do you calculate a study score’ and examples
How do you get your results?
The VCAA and VTAC offer three options for accessing VCE results and the ATAR: internet, mail, and app. The VCAA also offers an email option for accessing VCE and VCAL results.
The VCAA and the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) encourage all students to register for access to the VCE Results and ATAR service before the release of results.
If you have recently changed your address or email please email the school ASAP.
The GAT (General Achievement Test)
The GAT is a very important element of the VCE that we have been steadily preparing for across this term. Below is a summary of key information for the day (Wednesday 7th October) and continuing opportunities for preparation available to all students.
Who sits the GAT?
- All Year 12 VCE Students
- All Year 11 students (VCE and VCAL) with a VET at school
- All VCE students (scored and unscored)
What if you are not sure – please email Ms Brown. Attendance is compulsory.
Key Information for the Day
- Please have breakfast before you come. 3 hours is a long time.
- Please come to school by 9am with photo ID and in full school uniform.
- Why so early?
We have to temperature check each of you, send you to different briefing areas to allow for social distancing, take the roll and provide you with your seating.
- You will be socially distanced in the different exam centres.
- Read all the information carefully.
- Read each question carefully and try to pick out the key ideas and information.
- For the multiple-choice questions, try to quickly reject choices that appear wrong, then read the question again and select the answer most likely to be right.
- Attempt all questions and don’t spend too much time on any one question. Questions can also be revisited later.
- You will be dismissed at the conclusion of the exam 1.15pm
Ms Mountney will be providing writing task workshops in the second week of the holidays via Webex.
These will be interactive and held:
- Monday 28th September, 9:30 - 11:30 am (Writing Task 1)
- Tuesday 29th September, 9:30 - 11:30 am (Writing Task 2)