
Year 9 Textiles
This year has been challenging to say the least, trying to teach a practical subject remotely. Our students have risen to the challenge, learning many stitch techniques such as blanket stitch, running stitch, lazy daises and French knots. Our kids were provided with pack of fabrics, needles, threads, stuffing and patterns. They patiently practised their stitches demonstrated on Webex and then learnt how to use a pattern to cut their own donut soft toy. They learnt about different fabrics and fibres, iron on adhesives and then used these skills to decorate icing with stitches, then construct their donuts. These are a few examples that are starting to trickle through coming towards the end of the term.
Donuts produced by clockwise starting at the top left Julie DOUANGVONGSA, Georgia BERBERI, Karwleen KALYANA, Amisa BHATTARAI, Seselia HANNA and in the centre Ashlee JOHNSTON.
This has not been an easy skill to master but our year 9’s took it in their stride and produced some amazing yummy looking donuts. Well done to our kids for engaging in their learning and gaining some new skills.
Year 10 Textiles
Year 10’s have been working tirelessly to make their own interpretations of the Met Gala ball gowns. They researched the themes behind the event that takes place on the 1st Monday in May each year. Unfortunately another casualty of Covid, the Gala Ball had to be cancelled this year, an event has become the social gathering for celebrities for the last 25 years. Held on the steps of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the event showcases designers such as Dior, Donatella Versace, Stella McCartney and John Paul Gaultier and their amazing workmanship, dressing celebrities such as Katy Perry, Celine Dion, Serina Williams, Lady Gaga, Gigi Hadid and more.
This year we printed 3D mannequins and provided students with packs of fabrics, trimmings and equipment to allow them to interpret their own versions of the gorgeous gowns inspired by the designers and glamorous celebrities. These are some of the creations that have started coming through.
Gowns created by (left to right) – Maryam LABEEB, Fadwa KIMMIE & Elena KASOUHA.
All the students of year 10 have embraced this challenge and are producing garments that I’m sure would rival those on the red carpet. Look Out Met Gala, give us a few years and the students of Craigieburn will be tomorrows contributors.
Tina Pronesti
Textiles / Art Teacher