Principal's Report

Dear CSC community,
I hope you and your families are well as we head into a well-earned term break.
Over the last few weeks the school has been looking closely at several sources of information regarding how our students have managed with remote learning. We know that during the remote learning periods in term 2 and term 3, many students have found it difficult to engage in online classes in a serious way. Many others have found new pathways to learning.
What will matter most in Term 4 is providing continuity in learning and support for our students, whether via face-to-face schooling or through remote teaching. It will be a critical time for the re-engagement of students, the re-establishment of school routines and continuity of support for our students in their wellbeing, learning and transition needs.
The recent announcements from the Victorian Government in relation to the plan for return to face-to-face learning for metropolitan Melbourne in Term 4 (these remain subject to the advice of Victoria’s Chief Health Officer) state:
5 – 9 October (first week of Term 4)
Remote and flexible learning will continue for all students, except in specialist schools in rural and regional Victoria. VCE and VCAL students can only attend on-site for essential assessments during this week, including the General Achievement Test (GAT) on Wednesday 7 October.
On-site supervision for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students will continue to be provided consistent with existing guidelines.
From 12 October
Students in Prep to Grade 2 return to full-time on-site schooling. The existing remote learning program will not continue for these year levels.
Students in specialist schools return to full-time on-site schooling. Schools can offer learning materials for students who continue to learn from home.
Year 11 and 12 students will now attend on-site schooling full time, and Year 10 students enrolled in a VCE or VCAL program will attend on-site for these classes.
Remote and flexible learning will continue for all students in Grade 3 to Year 10, other than for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students.
Date subject to health advice
All students from Grade 3 to Year 10 in metropolitan Melbourne will continue with remote and flexible learning. A date for the return of these year levels to face-to-face learning will be subject to further health advice.
Awards Ceremony
I was very proud to be a part of the Craigieburn Secondary College community last week when we held our Awards ceremony and I continue to be in awe of the students that we have in our school community. The awards ceremony provides an opportunity for the school to recognise and celebrate those students who uphold our value of achievement, and importantly, to also recognise those students who made significant improvements in their learning across the semester. A list of awards recipients can be found later in this newsletter.
A huge congratulations to all the students who received awards!
Stay safe and enjoy the break.
Kate Morphy