College Principal report

Amy Porter


Well here we are, we have made it! What a complex and difficult year 2021 has been. Pessimism, disappointment, sadness and frustration has been at the centre of our existence. Out of the ashes of 2021, what have we found? I believe that we have found two things - a greater desire for human connection and a re-kindled passion for learning. 


I thought I would end the year by including parts of my speech to the departing year 12 cohort. I think this sums up our value of community. 




"Community what does that mean? – On the surface a community is simply a group of people who co-exist together. Australia is a community, Melbourne is a community, Sandringham is a community, and the College is a community. But, if we look deeper at the notion of community, true community, then we see that community is a group of taking the time to really connect, to enter into relationship with each other and depend upon one another. The end result of all this is sort of warmth and joyfulness. Alone you win a game, you can get a promotion you, get an A on an assignment and feel big about yourself.  Happiness is the expansion of self, moving beyond the individual. True community happens when you forget where you end, and where the group begins. 


The last two years have also, obviously, been heavily affected by COVID 19 and the ongoing and seemingly endless lockdowns. Never was it so important for our school to be a deeply connected community. The absolute strength and resilience of our community can be seen in our students. Through all that has happened they have remained connected to each other, to their teachers and to their school. 


In thinking deeply about community, I ask of our students...

“what can you do to make your community stronger, what difference will you make?”

I encourage them to be of service to their school community and beyond.

  • speak up 
  • show up 
  • join up
  • volunteer 
  • offer your help, your time, your talent and your kindness 
  • build a better community by judging people by the content of their character rather than by their skin colour, gender, gender identity, sexual identity, creed or religion
  • seek to understand and then to be understood
  • and always put your nice foot forward 
  • believe in the good in others and good will come to you

If you can act in some way on this advice you can, and you will, radically transform whatever moment you're in, whatever community you live in and you will truly demonstrate what it means to be a person of great character. "


I wish all of our families a safe and enjoyable summer break. I hope that you relish time with you families, soak up the sun and take up the opportunity to be outdoors. 


I look forward to a great year in 2022 and I really hope to catch up with you on site at one of our many events - the Arts, Sports and Perf. Arts are back and we can't wait to celebrate the achievements of our students together!



College Leadership Team 2022

College Principal -Amy Porter

Business Manager - Yunyun Liu

HR Manager - Ruth Dower

Registrar - Kerry Hayley

International Program Director - Doanvy Roberts

Campus Principal 7-9Vivienne McElwee
Head of 7-9 sub-schoolCody Gunn
Year Level Leaders – Year 7 Prue Slingsby  & Ned Vasey
Year Level Leaders –Year 8 Jeremy Kong & Kate Longley
Year Level Leaders – Year 9Laura Hulley & James Kerr
10-12 CAMPUS 
Campus Principal 10-12David Hall
Head of 10-12 sub-schoolBen Ditterich
Year Level Leaders – Year 10Casey Irwin & Frank McNamara
Year Level Leaders – Year 11Tim Clifton & Peter Hatigan
Year Level Leaders – Year 12Amy Hooper & Jason Keyt
Assistant Principal  - Teaching and LearningAmy Rashid
Assistant Principal  - Wellbeing and InclusionSuzanne Trease
Leading Teacher  - Head of Performing Arts/Music/Co-CurricularLuke Devenish
Learning Specialist  - Staff Coaching & Prof. Learning Jenni Howard
Learning Specialist  - Gifted & High Achieving StudentsLaura Washington
Learning Specialist  - Reporting/Assessment & DataMichael McGowan
Learning Specialist  - Middle Years Numeracy and LiteracyDenholm Pickering
Art, Design & Technology Domain LeaderKylie Maltarollo 
English Domain LeaderPeta Prokopos 
Humanities Domain LeaderJulia Vogel 
Health/Physical Education Domain LeaderAdam Paterson 
Languages Domain LeaderLaura Ritchie 
Mathematics Domain LeaderLaura Suckling 
Science Domain LeaderMarc Lewandowski 
VCAL Domain LeaderFrank Martinek 

Staff Changes 

I would like to thank and acknowledge the following staff who are retiring after significant service to the Department of Education and Sandringham College. Rob, Cathy and Sheryl are all exceptional teachers. Each teacher has gone and above in providing support for our students. Specific areas include: educational leadership, student management, domain leadership, special provision coordination and the co-curricular programs. 


Thank you: 

Cathy Ferguson - English/Arts

Rob Neale - Arts/English

Sheryl Burgess - Humanities/English


Staff leaving at the conclusion of 2022

We wish the following staff all the best as they leave the College for new horizons. I thank each of them for their contribution to the College. 


Jake Cameron - Leadership role at Surf Coast Sec. College

Steven McLaughlin - Leadership role at Rosebud Sec. College

Monique Ooms -  Transfer to Sale College

Katherine Sleath - returning to the UK

Child Safe Standards at Sandringham College

In 2013, the Victorian Parliament held an inquiry into the Handling of Child Abuse by Religious and Other Non-Government Organisations, resulting in the Betrayal of Trust Report. As a result, the Victorian Government is phasing in Child Safe Standards for organisations that work with children, including schools.


Sandringham College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. This will be the primary focus of our care and decision-making. 


Sandringham College has zero tolerance for child abuse.


We are committed to providing a child safe environment where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and their voices are heard about decisions that affect their lives. Our child safe policies, procedures, strategies and practices will be inclusive of the needs of all children, particularly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, children with disabilities, and children who are vulnerable.


We are committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of students. All allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently. We have legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we are worried about a child’s safety, which we follow rigorously. The school is committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks and all staff undertake Mandatory Reporting training.


Please see the College Web site for our Child Safe Policy, Statement of Commitment to Child Safety Policy and Code of Conduct.