Term Dates 2021
Term Four 2021
Monday 04 October 2021 - Friday 17 December 2021
Under the Victorian Early Childhood Teachers and Educators Award, all educators are entitled to at least three child free days each year. Two are taken in term one on commencement of the year and the third day is taken in term 4 - The last session in term 4 is child free (no children attend and the program finishes up one session early) so that educators can pack up the environments and complete documentation for the program.
Term Dates 2022
Term One 2022
Friday 28 January 2022 (staff only on the first two days) - Friday 8th April 2022
Term Two 2022
Tuesday 26th April 2022 - Friday 24th June 2022
Term Three 2022
Monday 11th July 2022 - Friday 16th September 2022
Term Four 2022
Monday 3rd October 2022 - Tuesday 20th December 2022
For more information on term dates please visit:
Note: Term dates may be subject to change in the current climate (COVID-19). GEKA continue to be guided by the Department of Education and Training (DET) and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
GEKA Office:
Level 1, 2 North Drive
236 - 262 East Boundary Road
Bentleigh East, VIC 3165
Phone: 03 9570 5866
The GEKA Office will be closed between Wednesday 22 December 2021 until Monday 10 January 2022
Holiday Care Program
Available again in 2022!
Qualified educators operate our program, offering a variety of engaging activities from visual art, sports, music and movement, environmental education, cooking experiences and flexible indoor and outdoor play.
For bookings and program details visit
Mandatory Vaccination for people working in Early Childhood
The Early Childhood Education sector are now mandated, to be vaccinated as part of their employment. GEKA are pleased to reassure families that ALL GEKA employees are fully vaccinated, providing added protection and safety for our whole community.
Victorian State Governments QR Code Service
As you would be aware, GEKA are using the Victorian State Governments QR Code Service to support contact tracing. Any families visiting a GEKA Kindergarten will be required to scan the QR code and enter their details if they plan to visit or stay in the program – this includes at pick up and drop off if you enter the building. This will include your first name, phone number and time of visit. This will be in addition to the usual sign in procedures where families are required to sign into the visitors book.
How to scan a QR code
Visitors can scan the QR code by opening up their smartphone’s camera and allowing it to focus on the code. The smartphone will then generally identify the code and say what to do next. If this does not work, we suggest that you download the Service Victoria app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Alternatively, if you are having trouble scanning the QR code, their will be paper form for you to complete – please note, this will be in addition to signing into the visitors book.
How this data is stored
All check-in data is housed in secure databases managed by Service Victoria, the Victorian Government’s online hub for transacting with government (GEKA does not hold this electronic information). Unless DHHS contact tracers request data for coronavirus (COVID-19) contact tracing purposes, it is automatically deleted after 28 days.
If you are concerned about what the QR code is asking you to do, or the security of your data, please contact the Coronavirus Hotline directly on 1800 675 398
Further instructions will be visible on the QR code posters in the entrance of each service. Please ask a member of the educational team if you are unable to locate the posters or the visitors sign in book.
Many of you will be already familiar with this technology and we appreciate your support in keeping our community safe.
Connect With Us
Our social media platforms are a great way to learn about GEKA programs and services, latest news, upcoming, events, involvement opportunities and more.
Virtual Tours
We are excited to invite you to explore our Kindergartens through this new immersive online tour experience. Gain a thorough insight into our Kindergartens and programs with 360 degree views of our indoor and outdoor spaces. Our services exceed the National Standard for the delivery of high-quality programs and environments for children.