Principal's Report

Hello BRPS Community,
2023 Concert - Lights Up!
Our school concert is fast approaching and it is now less than two weeks before the matinee and evening performances at Robert Blackwood Hall on Thursday 31st August.
The excitement is building for what is truly a whole of community event. Students, staff and parents are showing tremendous dedication towards all aspects of the preparation.
I especially want to recognise the efforts of teachers Brittany Pholi and Cass Morgan, who have contributed countless hours to the development and organisation of every aspect of the production. As early career stage teachers their dedication, creativity and drive is the primary reason for the concert so far
I encourage you to head over to the Assistant Principal page to find out more about concert preparations and supporting your child/ren over the next couple of weeks.
Concert Program Cover Competition
Every aspect of the concert is about student voice, engagement and participation.
Thank you to all of the students who submitted an entry into the Concert Program Cover Competition, demonstrating some amazing artistic talents.
Congratulations to the two students whose entries have been chosen for the front and back covers - Leah M in Year 6 and Olivia F in Year 2. Entries into the competition will be celebrated and on display in the BER next week.
Athletics Postponed
Unfortunately today's Year 4-6 House Athletics Carnival was postponed due to poor forecast weather. The event has been rescheduled for next Friday 25th August. Fingers crossed for better weather to allow our students to compete in the full range of events. It is a huge task to change an event of this magnitude at late notice, thank you to Steve Muller for his organisation and also the teachers who have accommodated changes in their programs to make the switch. Many thanks also to the large contingent of parent helpers who can hopefully switch their involvement to the event next week. Please find links to the new parent helper list in the email or News Feed communications sent yesterday
Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey
Thank you to the 40+ families who have completed the 2023 Parent Opinion Survey.
This year, all 350+ families have been invited to participate in the survey, which is open until Friday 8 September 2023.
The survey can be accessed via the link in a previous Compass News Feed item.
The survey is conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period.
We are seeking as many responses as possible to provide an accurate snapshot of parent/carer engagement and opinion regarding our school and to inform future improvement processes.
2024 Foundation enrolments are now due. We have accepted over 60 Foundation enrolments for next year to be arranged across three classes. If you are aware of any families that are seeking a school for next year please direct them to our website for further information about the enrolment and transition process.
This is the final call for sibling enrolments, please contact the office for enrolment forms.
Have a wonderful fortnight.
Sam Tyndall