Assistant Principal's Report

BRPS Presents "Lights Up!"
The count down is definitely on! Lots has been going on at school to get prepared for the school concert. We want to express our gratitude for your support in our school's upcoming concert.
All the BRPS staff met on Wednesday after school to come together to look at the plans in place for the logistics of the day and night performances. As I am sure the community can appreciate, moving approximately 500 students from school to Robert Blackwood for the matinee performance is no small feat. To support the school we ask if students can arrive at school on Thursday 31st August, as close to 8:45 am as possible.
All children have been working incredibly hard and we are grateful for their dedication to learning their routines. We do recognise and understand that some children we be brimming with excitement about their performance, however children might be feeling nervous. (Which is of course very normal as lots of performers, including the professionals feel nervous before going on to stage.) For families we would like to offer some strategies to help them use at home with their to child/ren to help them feel more confident.
Suggested Strategies to Support Students to Overcome Nerves/Anxiety When Performing |
Encourage your child/ren to practise their dance moves at home regularly and to visualise a fun performance |
Take deep breaths before going on stage or use one of our breathing techniques that the students have learnt as part of their wellbeing sessions. |
Remind them that mistakes are part of the learning process and that their effort is what matters most. If they forget a dance move, remind your child/ren they can look around and copy others. |
Use the Zones of Regulation to identify what zone your child/ren is in when thinking about the concert. If they are feeling emotions that are in the red or blue zone, talk to them about actions they could take to move into the green zone. |
If needed, speak to your child/ren's classroom teacher/s so they are aware and can also play a supportive role. |
Thank you once again for your continued support!
Parent Social Night - 1920's "Gatsby"
Book your babysitters!!! On Saturday October 28th we will be holding our annual Parent (& BRPS Community) night at the Black Rock Yacht Club. This event is very kindly being organised by parents of our school. The aim of this event is to provide an important opportunity for parents/carers and potentially members of staff to connect socially and also to fundraise for our school, directly benefiting the students of BRPS.
All funds raised through this year will go directly towards resurfacing our front asphalt area. Looking forward to what will be a wonderful night - keep an eye out (more than likely after the concert) for further details.
Upcoming Class Parent Representative and Community Events Meeting
We will be holding our next meeting on Thursday 14th September @ 7:00 pm in the BRPS staffroom. Thank you to everyone that was able to join us at our last meeting.
Em Harvey
Acting Assistant Principal