Education News 

School Assembly

Room 20 Assembly Writing.


Hi I’m Cooper,

What I liked about home learning was sleeping in and computer learning. What I like now that I am back at school is seeing my friends and having number talks with my class.

Hi I’m Freyal,

I have loved coming back to school and seeing my friends but I miss going on bike rides. I’ve loved doing creative arts at school again.

Hi I’m Holiday,

What I have liked about coming back to school is seeing my friends and what I liked about remote learning was going for walks, watching movies and sleeping in. I am also having fun writing I like playing twenty-one. I love P.E. and Creative Arts.

Hi I’m Samuel,

I’ve been loving seeing my friends back at school. I’ve loved being challenged in my learning.

Hi I’m Hannah,

When I came back to school I was happy to see my friends. In home learning I liked sleeping in and bike rides.


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