Chaplaincy news 

Claire Cheeseman, School Chaplain

Prayer for our world

God of love and of life, we pray for people living in the shadow of war and injustice, where political turmoil rages; for people rebuilding their lives where natural disasters have wreaked havoc. We pray especially for the people of Ukraine, Russia, South Sudan, and Ethiopia who fight for peace, not war. We pray for those whose homes and livelihoods have been devastated by earthquakes across Turkey and Syria and for the floods in Brazil. We lift to you the women in Iran whose safety is continuously threatened.  


We pray also, for our own nation, that as the news of war with China builds in the media you would help us to have clear minds and peaceable hearts. We thank you for alliances made and ask you help our leaders to make wise decisions in protecting our country.  

Grant to the leaders of the nations restraint in the use of force, and perseverance in negotiation, so that peace, justice and freedom for all may be secured, even as we wait for that day when your promised reign of peace and harmony will be fully realised.  



Anglican Schools Forum with Archbishop of Melbourne 

Three students from Year 8 – Year 11 had the opportunity to attend the Anglican Schools Forum at Melbourne Grammar. This event was aimed at asking about the future of Anglican Schools and the role faith plays in communities. 


Grace P in Year 8 shares her reflection of the day below: 

On Friday the 3rd of March we attended the Anglican school’s forum. We took the tram down to Melbourne Grammar and started off with a special service performed by the Archbishop of Melbourne. Later, the coordinator of the event, Geoff, ran some workshops where we could move around and form groups to talk about different topics related to our Anglican education. 
One of the things people said was good was how understanding and accepting our schools are of all different cultures and beliefs.  
One of the things people said needs to be improved was that there isn’t enough education about other belief systems and religions in Anglican schools. 
It was great to be a part of some of the conversations that were happening about the future of faith in schools.

Junior School Services

All parents are invited to join the Junior School for Chapel at 2.00pm in St Mary’s Oaktree Church on the 31 March for our Easter Service. This includes our Easter performance and Easter Hat Parade from fun hats made in Art with Stella Nguyen.   


Next Term our Chapel Services will be from 2.30 onwards on: 

  • 5 May 
  • 19 May 
  • 16 June 

Prayer Walk

In the lead up to Lent, a time of preparation for Easter, I have been thinking about different styles of prayer. Last newsletter I discussed ‘Breath Prayers’ which are short moments of meditation on the breath and thankfulness to God. You can find the link to that here. 


This week let’s consider a prayerful walk – it is very simple, as you go for a walk you pray! When you walk, pay attention to what is around you and let this inspire gratitude or a prayer request in you. Take the time to pause and pray for a person, place or organisation as you pass it by. Or simply be thankful for blooming flowers or the shapes in the clouds. 

About Oaktree Anglican – St Mary’s Church 

Shelford is blessed to have a wonderful ongoing relationship with the church St Mary’s. This church is part of a group of two churches in Caulfield/Elsternwick known as Oaktree which is why the names are used interchangeably.  


If anyone is ever interested to find out about the programs on a Sunday or playgroup opportunities on Monday and Tuesday mornings, please visit for more information.  


The main family focused Sunday Service is at 10:30 every week and you’ll see a few familiar faces from our wider Shelford community joining each week. Please feel free to come along anytime.  

Claire Cheeseman

School Chaplain