

Dear Parents and Carers, 


At Melton West Primary School Mr Neil Armstrong runs the GRIN program. Well, what is this program and why do we value it?



GRIN stands for Getting Ready in Numeracy. GRIN is a Maths Intervention program designed to actively engage students in daily Maths lessons. Students commonly lack confidence in Maths which causes them to have a fixed mindset that Maths is hard and I can’t do it. The vocabulary of Maths can be quite confusing. Students who do not know/understand the necessary vocabulary will not be able to access the actual lesson. 

GRIN is important as it provides students with pre-exposure to the vocabulary, concept and activity that they will be expected to complete when they return to their Maths lesson.



One of the teacher perceived benefits to students participating in G.R.I.N., is the development of a growth mindset with regards to their mathematics learning. A growth mindset is characterised by the belief that through sustained effort, one’s ability and competency in any given area can be improved (Dweck, 2008). 

Working with a G.R.I.N. tutor can help to reframe children’s experience when confronted with struggle and confusion in mathematics lessons and help students to recognise that mathematics learning can be challenging and challenging tasks require students to demonstrate patience and perseverance. 

The word “yet” is significant. Developing a growth mindset helps children who were struggling in maths, who were often saying, “I just can’t do it”, “You know, it’s too hard, I can’t do it,” to changing their mindset and saying, ‘I can’t do it yet!’ There is great power in using the word ‘yet’ with children, as they start to believe with effort and persistence they will actually get there. 



A GRIN session goes for about 25 minutes. The breakdown is as follows:

  • 2 minutes - Check In/reflection of previous Maths lesson 
  • 3 minutes – Maths fluency practice
  • 10 minutes – Vocabulary focus
  • 10 minutes – Concept/activity exposure

Students are provided with their own GRIN Maths Journal which they bring to every GRIN session and take back to their class to support their learning after each session.

By working together we CAN make a difference!


Kind regards, 

Jennifer O’Connor

Assistant Principal