Assistant Principal
Parent Engagement that makes a difference to a child’s learning
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank-you very much for the large uptake in terms of our “Getting to Know Your Child” initial Parent/Teacher interviews. Our teachers appreciated the insights parents/carers offered to our teachers and they will certainly refer to the added information as we move forward with supporting all our students to reach their potential.
Research shows there are four key things parents/carers can do to support their child’s learning. I have outlined these four key elements below:
- Having High Expectations:
The research shows undeniably, that high parental expectations have the greatest impact on student achievement. Studies looking at teacher's perception of the positive attitude parents have toward their child's education, teacher, and school, was significantly related to increased academic performance, measured by both a standardized achievement test and teacher ratings of the child's classroom academic performance. Further, parent involvement was significantly related to academic performance above and beyond the impact of the child's intelligence (IQ).
2. Talking About School At Home:
Studies have shown that parents talking to their kids about school and school activities at home, had a greater impact on learning than monitoring homework, being home after school or limiting screen time.
3. Helping Students Develop A Positive Attitude And Good Work Habits:
As students get older, the impact parents can have on their child’s academic achievement decline. Parents can’t teach their children everything they need to know (the same goes for schools), but the habits they encourage at an early age, have long-lasting benefits, through to high school.
We highly recommend parents interacting with their children, rather than ‘teaching’ them.
Parents don’t have to “teach” their children. Teachers focus on content, and parents can assist by helping their child develop a sense of personal competence, encouraging persistence, showing them how to plan and manage their time, handle distractions, and ask for help when they need it.
4. Reading With Children:
Parents make a major difference by reading and talking about books and stories with their children, in any language. Reading skills can be taught at school, and parents can help build a crucial foundation for successful literacy through conversation and reading together, which develops the motivation to read, a greater level of comprehension, and strong oral language skills. To continue reading with your children over the Easter break you can:
- Find out times the local library is operating, and visit the public libraries in your area to borrow books
- Read with your child before bed to help your child unwind from the day’s activities.
““The most important thing you will ever wear is your attitude.” – Anonymous
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
Assistant Principal