Music News 

MVIMP 2022

Would you like to learn a music instrument in 2022 and join the wonderful Moonee Vale Instrumental Program (MVIMP)?

There are still places available for students to participate. Please see attached Expression of Interest.


The start to the MVIMP program has been delayed and will be commencing at the start of Term 2.  Correspondence regarding these arrangements will be sent out to families this week.


If you would like further information regarding the MVIMP program at Moonee Ponds West, please contact the school MVIMP Coordinator, Sandra Monaghan -




We are so excited to be back at Moonee Ponds West P.S! 

Due to some regulations still in place we will be coming back next week with Keyboard lessons only. We are hoping to get SAP and Guitar back up and running in Term 2. Maddie will text the families who are currently enrolled with the details and the adjusted fee. 


If you would like to enrol (for Term 1 or Term 2) we still have places available, please fill in the enrolment form and send it to Maddie. 

If you have enrolled in guitar or SAP and would like to move to Keyboard for the time being then that is also an option. Please contact Maddie at 0401 844 522 or


Thank you for your ongoing support of Soundgarage through this time.



Maddie Owen 

Manager of Soundgarage Music School