Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, Students, and Community members of MPWPS

Welcome to the last week of Term 2 and what a busy term is has been! All student reports and portfolios were sent home last Friday 21st of June. Parent/Student/Teacher conferences will be conducted on Thursday 25th July (Week 2 of Term 4) and the booking portal has now been opened on Compass.

Japanese Tour

We have word from our happy travellers that they have arrived in Osaka safely and are enjoying sunny Japan and all the wonderful culture and learning it has to offer. A BIG thank you to Cindy and Diana, our Japanese teachers, and the school Business Manager Sandra, for organising such a memorable experience. I would also like to thank the parents who have supported this program, both here and overseas. We look forward to many more updates as the week progresses.

2020 Foundation Enrolments

We have enjoyed a number of tours with prospective families over the term, highlighting all the wonderful opportunities students have at Moonee Ponds West to develop into thoughtful and productive adults.

A reminder for families with existing student/s who intend to enrol a sibling in 2020, to do this as soon as possible as Term 3 is a big planning term for school structures, classes and teachers.

Early Dismissal

A reminder that School Assembly in on this Friday morning (last day of Term 2) and that all students will be dismissed at 2.30 pm from their classrooms. Please ensure your child/ children are picked up promptly or book them into Out of Hours School Care.

School Holidays

Many parents approach me and ask what they could do over the holidays to continue their child’s learning. Of course this is always met with “Read to and listen to your child read.” followed by, “Highlight maths in real life situations such as shopping, cooking and board games”.

Whilst practising the fundamentals is always beneficial, providing opportunities for your child/children to play, explore, talk and ask questions through lots of different experiences is vital. The more world knowledge and vocabulary your child can bring to learning experiences, the more connections and understandings develop.


Enjoy the break.


Kind Regards

Barbara Springfield (Assistant Principal)