Principal's Report
Greetings Parents, Carers, Students and the community of MPWPS,
Our fortnightly routine for the newsletter is swinging into action for this term. The newsletter is one of our main communication tools, staying informed is very important and crucial to being part of a strong school community. I thank you for your support in this way and hope that you find the newsletter informative and provides you with essential information for your participation. Please encourage others in your circle to read the newsletter so that they can optimise their participation with their school.
Transition for 2021
It’s a different year for transition. We have been given permission to have our new foundations students onsite in groups of 10, however our usual parent information sessions that run parallel with the student sessions will be offered virtually this year. We will have a literacy, numeracy, COMPASS and general school information session with me, and then a final session on Orientation day to answer any questions prospective parents may want to ask.
This year our Assistant Principal and Junior School Leader Barb McKenzie and Foundation Professional Learning Team leader Anna Sneddon are leading the transition organisation and sessions. Our Virtual School Tour of classroom learning last week was hosted by Barb and enabled parents to see the essential learning organisation in the Junior classes.
In relation to Year 6-7 transition, the secondary colleges will be offering some sort of transition and so it is best to be in contact if you haven’t received information around this activity. Here at school we are offering some transition sessions for students and parents hosted by Amanda Lecaude. In these sessions getting ready for secondary college will be the focus and will include essential organisational skills and of course the answering of any pressing questions. We hope to offer a follow up session just before the December Transition day to support the successful transition of our senior students. Parents of Year 6 students are encouraged to be part of the evening virtual session that will be hosted by Amanda. This will be held on the evening of November 19th. Please refer to the flyer attached below.
All students who are transitioning into, out of or within our school, have the support of all staff to ensure that students are successful.
School Structure for 2021
The School Improvement Team developed three principles to guide the formation of classes for 2021. The following are the principles:
1. There a familiarity for families and student with the structure we already have in 2020
2. Where possible the teacher should stay with the same year level and class group
3. That where the teacher is to change the group should stay together if possible.
With this in mind we have settled on the following for 2021.
Foundation/One: We will have 5 classes in this team so that the year ones can stay within familiar surrounds and learning communities. This is an increase of one class on 2020. The small numbers of year 1 students for 2021 has provided a difficulty as to spread them across the F/1 classes and into a 1/2 structure would result in limited numbers of year 1 students in each class. As a result, we are not offering the 1/2 structure in 2021.
Year 2: We will have 3 classes in this team. Given that the 2020 year one students have had a disruptive year, we think that this grouping will support and extend their learning by wrapping them in all things learning and wellbeing.
Year 3/4: We will have 5 classes in this team and this is similar to 2020.
Year 5/6: We will have 5 classes in this team which is similar to 2020.
Moonee Ponds West continues to have a focus on multi-aged classes of two-year levels together, and when we look at the year 2 grouping for 2021, we see that this too is multi-aged with a range of students in age, within this class group. The continuation of Hall will encourage the mixing of students across the Foundation to year 2 range for social and personal learning. The structure will give us a chance to ‘wrap’ the students to ensure that any learning lost is gained during this year. We hope that you will be supportive of our thinking here. We have the students at the centre
COVID-19 Restrictions
We all welcomed the Premier's comments on Sunday re the easing of restrictions and the move away from the State of Emergency. The School Operation Guide with adjustments recognising these changes will be with schools later this week. Until then the present conditions for visitors, social distancing, teachers wearing masks and hand sanitising will apply. We have done a terrific job as a team and so we want this to continue for our common health and safety.
School Photos
Last week we were able to complete the School Photo tradition. The photographer was even able to get our year 6 students into their traditional space for their group photo which was terrific. Family photos were done differently this year with all families being photographed and then the choice to purchase is yours.
Parent Representative System for MPWPS
It has been a bit of disjointed year for our Parent Reps, but many of them managed to stay in contact with class teams and families. Each year we call for interested parents to fulfil this role. We developed a Handbook for this role so that parents were able to gain some guidance and reassurance. This year towards the end of November we will be calling for interested parents to nominate for this role. You will nominate for the year level of your child and we will match you to the class. Communication in this way is very important so please think about becoming or renominating for this role.
Well that’s about it from me. Hoping to see you at the gates sometime.
Kerri Simpson
2020 Parent Opinion Survey Reminder
A reminder to our randomly selected parents that the Parent Opinion Survey will close on Friday 13th of November.
We want our parents to tell us what they think.
Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All responses to the survey are anonymous.