School Council

School Council Membership 2022/2023
Parent members:
- Fiona Limoli
- Brian Stanley - President
- Laura Tripp
- Rick Bottiglieri - Vice President
- Kate Collinson
- Thomas Rundle - Treasurer
DET members:
- Jarrod Sutton - Executive Officer
- Helen Lockart
- Lisa McLachlan
- Sandra Monaghan - School Council Secretary
School Council meeting 24th October 2022
This month’s School Council meeting predominantly focused on planning and organisation for the end of this year and 2023 school year.
Junior School Council:
It was reported that the Junior School Council are busy organising the MPWPS Colour Fun Run, which will take place on Friday 9th of December, most likely at Maribyrnong Park. This will be a school-based fundraiser, where part of the funds raised will go directly to our school and the other part will be used to cover costs for the day and support our environment. The materials used during the run will be environmentally friendly, allergy safe and non-toxic. More information about this fundraising event will be sent home to families. JSC will be in charge of advertising this fun and exciting event to our school community!
JSC is also exploring ways we can reduce the amount of rubbish being produced at MPWPS, and how we can further educate our community about recycling and composting etc.
School Principal Report:
It was reported that enrolment numbers for 2023, remain steady across the school. The school structure will remain the same in 2023, to accommodate student needs and enrolment numbers: F/1, 2, 3/4, and 5/6.
It’s been great to have families back on site for our 2023 Foundation Transition Program. Students have been coming in to visit a classroom and engage in a variety of activities, while new parents have been invited to information sessions. The program has been a success so far!
The rest of our students will be involved on a Whole School Orientation Day, on Tuesday 13th December 2022. Class Placement Forms for 2023, will be sent home to families in the coming weeks. The purpose of this form is to give parents/ carers the opportunity to inform teachers of any important considerations for appropriate class placement in 2023.
In 2023, we will continue to have four Curriculum Days, which will focus on Professional Practice/Development and Report Writing. Proposed Pupil Free Days are as follows:
Term 1- Day 1, Friday 27th January 2023
Term 1- Day 2, Monday 30th January 2023 (Our year 1-6 students will commence school on Tuesday January 31st and our Foundation students will commence school on Friday February 3rd)
Term 2- Monday 24th April 2023
Term 3- Monday 10th July 2023
Term 4- Monday 6th November 2023
Planning is underway for our Year 2 Sleep Over and F/1 Activity Night on Friday 2nd December. It will be great to have students back on site and involved in our Camping Program!
Program Budget and Planning for 2023 has begun. Teams are busy reviewing their work and planning objectives and priorities for next year. Draft programs plans will be reviewed by the Education and Resource Committees in the coming weeks. Teams have also reviewed and adjusted 2023 Book Packs to ensure all items are essential and will be used throughout the year and will be reviewed by the Resources Committee in the coming weeks.
Resources Committee:
With the state election to be held on the 26th of November, we are planning to hold a cake stall and BBQ on the day. This is a great school fundraising opportunity. We will be requiring donations of baked goods and volunteers on the day.
The committee was pleased to inform the community that the footings and poles for the new shade sail (corner of Lennox and Eglinton Streets) have been installed and the sails will be fitted in the coming weeks. Once the installation is complete, we will look at landscaping and opportunities for a passive play space and seating. We will seek input from the JSC for this space.
Discussions took place about Parent Payment/Contribution Arrangements 2023. We are aiming for contributions to remain the same as in 2022 except for optional excursions/incursions, where transport costs are increased.
Capital Works Update:
We have been meeting with the appointed architect – BSPN and the Victorian School Building Authority
and are getting to the approval stages of AMP2. The AMP2 considers the design of the facilities that best support the desired outcomes.
Education Committee:
The Education Committee has been busy discussing and reviewing a number of policies. The following policies have now been updated: Statement of Vision and School Philosophy, Student Wellbeing and Engagement, Bullying Prevention, Camps and Excursions, Complaints, Attendance, Child Safety, Child Safe Code of Conduct, Visitor and Volunteers.
General Discussion:
Further to Jarrod’s update on Compass, School Council members discussed how the school community can support those families that have been impacted by the floods. Jarrod is exploring ways that we can offer further assistance to those affected, including a community support group and school community fundraiser. Look out for more information to come.
The process for the School Review is underway and will run over 3 days. All schools must participate in a review every 4 years. The review is an opportunity for reflection of current practice and will inform the development of the school’s 4 year School Strategic Plan.
There’s quite a lot happening this Term, so keep a look out on Compass for community updates.
Laura Tripp
School Councillor
Annual General Meeting 23rd May 2022
On Monday 23rd of May our 2022 AGM was held, where the 2021 Annual report to the School Community was tabled.
Please find attached the presentation from the evening and the Annual Report 2022 which is also available on our website at
School Council Meetings 2022
Education Committee - 6:30pm
- Monday 21st November
Resources Committee 6:30pm
- Tuesday 22nd November
- Thursday 8th December
School Council 6:30pm
- Monday 28th November
- Monday 12th December