Principal's Report

Dear families and friends of MPW,
Last Wednesday we completed the School Review process and will now begin to develop the next four-year School Strategic Plan. The review consisted of 3 days with a panel who reflected on the last four years, acknowledging some of the work and achievements of the school and areas of focus for the future. I would like to thank the contributions and work of the review panel, which consisted of an independent reviewer, our School Council President Brian Stanley, the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), two challenge partners- principals from other schools and myself. We were also joined by the School Improvement Team consisting of our PLT Leaders and Learning Specialists. Throughout the review days, we had the opportunity to visit classrooms, review the school’s data and trends, and speak with a range of staff, students and parents/carers.
There were open and challenging discussions, wonderings and a chance to celebrate many highlights within our school. Overall, the review was a positive and rewarding process, where we were able to identify areas for continual improvement for the school and community.
A School Review Report will be developed and made available to the community by the reviewer, this will be communicated once available. From here, we will continue to use the findings of the review to develop the School Strategic Plan, with input from the SEIL and School Council.
Foundation Transition Sessions
We have now finalised the four main transition sessions for our future Foundation students. During these sessions, the children were given an opportunity to experience time in one of our F/1 classrooms and Hall to complete some activities and interact with each other. Parents were invited to participate in Literacy and Numeracy sessions facilitated by our Learning Specialists, Kim and Jess.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the F/1 team, Vicki, Marg and Julie for their support on these days, and Lauren for her coordination and the administration team (Sandra, Sharyn and Xavia) for the organisation of the Foundation Transition program this year.
The final session for our Foundation Transition Program will be on Tuesday 13th December, where our future foundation students will meet their class and teacher for 2023.
2023 Planning
The school continues its planning for the 2023 school year. We are getting close to what will be our final enrolment numbers for next year. Thank you to those families who have informed us if they are not returning in the new year. I thank those families moving on to other locations, schools and opportunities for their contribution to the MPW school community and wish them all the best for their future learning journey.
We are in the process of recruiting staff for some of our classroom positions for next year and have recently begun our class placement processes. One component of class placement is to provide parents/carers an opportunity to provide us with any important information for our consideration that may support class placement. The parent/carer information for was distributed through Compass on 4th November and were due back yesterday, Monday 14th November.
Flood Fundraiser
In our last newsletter, I acknowledged the dress up day fundraising JSC organised to support those impacted by the floods. I am pleased and proud to announce that our school community raised just over $861.30. These funds will support two charity organisations, one targeting local communities and the other farmers who were affected by the flooding.
MVIMP Combined Concert
Last Thursday, I had the privilege of attending the MVIMP combined school concert at Moonee Valley Racecourse. It has been three years since we have been able to hold the concert, and it was great to able to return to such an astounding evening. Our MVIMP students should be extremely proud of themselves, as their efforts and performances were outstanding yet again. Students were able to perform for their parents and families in their instrumental groups throughout the night, concluding with the combined school band to close out the evening. Thank you Sandra for her role in coordinating the MVIMP Program at MPW and supporting the organisation of the concert.
It was an entertaining evening for all and a terrific demonstration of our student’s commitment to their musical learning. Congratulations to Elodie, who was the recipient of this year’s school award nominated by the MVIMP tutors.
Soundgarage Concerts
This week, Soundgarage students held their musical performances for parents. Monday night were the keyboard performances and tonight students from guitar and SAP (singing) will be performing. Again, these concerts provide an opportunity for our students to showcase their learning to their family and community. Well done to those who have already performed, and good luck to those performing this evening.
F/1 Activity Night
We have our F/1 Activity night coming up next Wednesday. This evening is part of our camping program, where our junior students return after school to participate in some activities and enjoy a pizza dinner at school. The F/1 team are finalising the program this week and will communicate arrangements to families. We look forward to a fun and exciting night for our F/1s.
Finally, a reminder that Monday 21st November is a student free day. This day is another common professional practice day for teachers to focus on work relating to their classrooms and some collaboration. Camp Australia will be available on the day for families requiring their services.
Jarrod Sutton
Acting Principal