From the Principal

Cheese & Wine Evening- POSTPONED

Due to clash of events for many families we have postponed the Wine & Cheese Evening on Friday 25th October & a new date is to be advised.


The P & F along with the School Advisory Council wanted to host a non fundraising event -  A Wine & Cheese Night,  for St Patrick's families to gather together to support each other in the difficult times of the drought. 


Wine, beer & cheese to be provided with good friendship and support during this difficult season for the adults. With a Sausage Sizzle for the children while they play games at the Tennis Club.

World Teachers Day

Thank you to the teachers at St Patrick's  for the wonderful work you do for the children at our school.

P & F and SAC AGM - November

Thank you to our parents who kindly give their time to attend meetings to assist with our school events.

In November we will be holding the AGM for both the P & F  and the SAC.

Please consider nominating for one of these committees. Nominations will be called two weeks before the meetings.


Could I please ask parents to ensure all children have the correct sports uniform, particularly sport shorts.

It is an expectation that all children will wear the correct uniform unless a note is sent to school by parents that explains why their child is not in the correct uniform.  If a child is repeatedly out of uniform with out an explanation parents will be contacted. 


 All parents and friends are invited to join the children at Mass tomorrow Friday at 11:30am.