The school uniform is available from Tracey Hoy in Walcha who can be contacted at:

Phone: 0428772822 or Email:  sewontracey@bigpond.com

Hours Mon-Fri afternoons 3-5pm or by appointment

186w Croudace St Walcha 

Term 4 Uniform 

Term 4 -  students are expected to be in full summer uniform. 

Thank you for your continued efforts to ensure that the children are in the correct school uniform in a neat and tidy manner each day.

This is a very important aspect of school as it teaches the children to understand that standards are important in their lives, as well as respecting the community they belong to.


The School Secretary is available to assist you with the Clothing Pool between 8:30-9am, 1:00 -1:30pm  or 3:00- 3:30pm

School Hats

All children must have a school hat at school to wear every day.

 School hats are now purchased through Tracey Hoy.


At school we are more than happy to return lost uniform items to students.  However, to do this, the items need to be clearly labelled.  Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled.  

Correct Uniform

 It is very important that the children wear their uniform with pride.

 If your child is not able to wear the correct uniform please send a note to school explaining the reason.


Price list for uniform is attached.  Please see Mrs Pittman in the school office for the Uniform Order form OR print out the copy below and return to the school office or Tracey Hoy

Or  make sure you collect a uniform order form from our wonderful helpers at the front office.