From the Principal

Welcome to Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2 even though it looks very different to normal! School has resumed with students working from home, as it was at the end of Term 1. This will be the case for week one & two. 


School is open to the children of essential workers & any families that are unable to provide care / supervision at home for their children. However, no student will be turned away (unless they are unwell).  


Week 1 & 2 Remote Learning at Home

Week 3 & 4 - Students to return to school on certain days - schedule TBA early week 2.

Week 5  - possibly everyone returns to school five days a week.


Return to school week 3.

Early next week I will provide the schedule for Weeks 3 and 4, what days students are able to return to school.  


Thank you for working with us to continue your child's learning journey this term, using a combination of Google Classroom & paper packs. 


We are all learning during this time of Remote Online Learning and there has been a few technical issues this week, luckily each day we are having less!  Please get in touch with the class teacher if you are having any difficulties or phone the school we are very happy to assist.


If you need any of the work as hard copies please phone the school or contact the class teacher and we will arrange this for the children.     School 67772328 or 04286772328,


Thank you for your involvement with your child’s learning,  your interest directly impacts their success and commitment by boosting their self-confidence. Thank you for setting up your child's workspace and consistency in their study habits at home.  Setting a  regular routine at home, like what they are use to at school has hopefully made learning much easier at home. As a guide each child is only expected to do up to 3 hours of work each day. What this looks like for one family will be very different to another family - there is no wrong or right. 

Keeping in Touch

It is important that the children are in touch each day with school. This could be by Google Classroom, email, phone or Zoom.


Today saw the first Zoom meetings for each class with their teacher. We experienced some difficulties with our Kindergarten Zoom, the other classes were able to connect. Mrs Riley is looking forward to see her class tomorrow at 9 am on the Whole School Zoom. When we have finished the Zoom in the morning we will let Mrs Riley & the Kindergarten children have a chat at the end. It was exciting to see the children & connect with their class & teacher today. Tomorrow at 9am we will attempt a whole school Zoom. I suggest families join on one device only tomorrow morning. Please join by going into the email sent today, click on the link (Join from PC, Mac, Linux, Ios or android). See you tomorrow at 9am.


Zoom Meetings next week will be-

Monday 9am  & Friday 9am Whole school –  these Zooms will be about weekly news, messages, birthdays, school prayer, updates.

Monday & Thursday  Classroom Zooms

Kinder 10am,                     Yr 1/2  10:30,                    Yr 3 /4   11am,                  Yr 5/6    11:30am

Initially the Zooms will be for 10 – 15 mins. The classroom Zooms are for connecting students with the classroom teachers, student to student & school to students.



Social Distancing

Parents are encouraged to continue discussing the importance of social distancing with their children. Where possible at school, students will be encouraged to be 1.5m apart and not touch each other. Adults at our school are required to be 1.5m apart. Please be aware of this when you come into the school office area.

Washing Hands

Hand washing is crucial in the fight against colds, flus and COVID 19. Please encourage regular washing at home so students remember to do this when they return to school. 

Call or Email

I am happy to help in any way I can. Please call or email no question or concern is too little or not important.

Term 2 & 3 Winter Uniform

Please start to get the Winter Uniform organised for when we start  to return to school. It sounds like we will need our Winter Uniform as the cold days are approaching.