
The Easter Season

The Liturgical Season of Easter continues until Pentecost, is a time of joy and hope in the Resurrection. Easter is a time to celebrate the central concept of our faith – Jesus’ rising from the dead. But the Resurrection is more than this. It reminds us that like Jesus we too have both human and divine qualities. This is what makes us ‘Christ-like’.


As you are aware, we are able to attend Mass during this global pandemic. Bishop Kennedy is live-streaming Mass each Sunday morning at 10am from the Armidale Cathedral.

You can access this via: Cathedral Parish Facebook Page 

Diocese of Armidale YouTube Channel

Armidale Cathedral Website

How to make an Act of Spiritual Communion

Project Compassion Boxes

Thank you for supporting Caritas during Lent.

We will collect the Project Compassion Boxes when the children return to school in Term 2. 

Or you can go online at & securely donate.

Sacrament Dates 2020

2020 First Holy Communion Date has been set for our Catholic students in Year 3 for Sunday 14th June at 10am - Year 3 Catholic Students.   Please put this date in your calendar.

Catherine McAuley

A quote from the writings of Catherine -  Now and again bestow some praise.