Library News 


Please encourage your child/ren to return any library books that they are finished reading.  Also look out for overdue notices coming home.  If you are unsure, please email me on and I can reply with your child's overdue list. I am in the library on Thursdays.  If you are unable to locate a book at home, maybe it is hiding in the classroom and we can have a look here at school.  Please let me know in this case by emailing.

                                   Together, we can find all the lost books.

                                                  Thank you for your help, 

                                                        Di (Mrs.Hendriks).

Scholastic Book Club


The last book club brochure for the year is out now.  If you are needing a spare copy of this, please find one in the office foyer. 

 Any orders are due back by

 Friday 2nd December.