Sports News and Dates

Upcoming sport events

Monday 28th November- The whole school will be taking part in a downball clinic during class time. This is a fun event run by Downball Australia. Please make sure your child is wearing sports uniform during this time.


Wednesday 30th November-

Rescheduled sports afternoon. From 12-3pm our whole school will take part in a fun sport afternoon. Families are invited to come watch the afternoon. Students are able to dress in their house coloured clothes for the day as they will be competing in their coloured groups. We understand that many parents will not be able to attend during the day and we will take as many photos and videos of the event as possible. 


Friday 2nd December- 

Swimming make up fun lesson. Students will need to wear their bathers to school and should pack a change of clothes, underwear, towel and goggles. This will be the celebration of our swimming lessons that we missed out on with flooding. There will be the inflatable playground and time for the students to demonstrate what they have learnt during the 2 week program.