Education in Faith

Advent begins this Sunday, November 27.

Giving tree

We have been asked by the Upper Yarra Vinnies if we could have a giving tree to support the Vinnies this Christmas.

If you can, unwrapped gifts (clear wrapping is ok) can be left under the Christmas Tree in the school foyer.  Gift cards can be donated and tied to the tree and a tin for coin donations will also be under the tree.

On behalf of Vinnies, thank you for your generosity 

Advent prayers

Starting Monday, November 28, we will commence our assemblies with a special advent prayer.

The First week will be led by the 5/6's.

Second week Foundations - Tuesday December 6

Third week 1/2's - Monday December 12

Fourth week 3/4's - Friday December 16

Parents are welcome to join us.


God of Love,

Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.

He is a sign of your love.

Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent,

As we wait and prepare for his coming.

We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior.