Deputy Principal

Katie Vranken

PSG Meetings next week:


Thank you to those families who have booked their NCCD (National Consistent Collection of Data) meetings for next week for funded students. An email was sent to families this week with login details for these interviews. Please come to the office and sign in.  It is important for all families who have children on NCCD funding to meet with the teachers to sign off on goals.  If you have not yet made an appointment, or there are no appointments available on the assigned day, please email me to let me know.


Thank you to all families for their support with their children's learning and for attending the meetings over the year.  We look forward to continuing to support your children into 2023.


Review Follow up

This week the Leadership Team met with Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools to plan for our School Improvement documentation and Annual Action Plan for 2023 - 2026.  This is an important part of the review process where we look at recommendations from the reviewer and map out goals for the direction of the school for the next 4 years.  It was a great day discussing areas we work well in and areas in which to improve.  We looked at data that has been collected through MACSSIS surveys and curriculum data from NAPLAN and other assessments to support the direction of the school for the next 4 years. This of course will be reviewed every year to see how we have addressed and met targets.  We look forward to the positive changes to come.