Remote Learning Newsletter

News from the Principal

Greetings to the families and friends of MPWPS.

Another week down and closer to being out of the lockdown and back at school hopefully!  It is encouraging to see the numbers declining which indicates that the measures are working.  Let us hang tough! I think this was the catch cry of the ‘Hang Ten’ brand for surfers many years ago!   I thank you and your families for ongoing commitment to the lockdown requirements. When we are all doing what is required all together we will get through.  If you or members of your family are struggling with the isolation, or other aspects we are here to help or reach out for support. 


Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences

Our conferences have just begun and I hope that they are progressing without too much trouble. I am yet to hear any staff feedback to date. Having contact with the teacher can reduce your worry about student progress and reassure you that the teachers are there and monitoring, engaging and looking after your child.  Please take advantage of this time to hear what the teacher has to say and work together for new goals.  As mentioned in the Parent Conference TIPs and HINTs cheat sheet, conferences are a time for collective celebration and purposeful goal setting. 

Camino de Santiago trail

A virtual experience!  As part of my lockdown routine I am joining a virtual walk of the Camino de Santiago trail.  After wanting to walk this in person this will be the next best thing and take my mind off baking, eating and doing not much. Have you taken up something that maybe you have wanted to do for a while?  If so good on you.  If not it is not too late to take on a challenge. 


Continuous Reporting is BACK!

Last week you would have received an email via COMPASS from your class teacher inviting you to view a sample of your child’s learning in either Reading, Writing or Number.  The sample will contain a contextual statement (telling you about the learning task) and an assessment rubric, shaded to show your child’s progress. The rubric will indicate where your child has come from, to where they are now to what is next for them.  The rubrics have progression points and provide a lot of information for you and your child.   Continuous reporting will take place weeks 6, 8, and 10.  You can expect one sample of reading, writing and number plus a Progress Report on behaviour and effort in week 10.  The progress report outlines for you the amount of effort your child gives to their learning.  Effort is the most important element in any learning at any time in one’s life. In week 10, you will also receive a continuous reporting post from our Specialist team who have been working with their classes this term.  You might need to remind your child to upload the tasks set by their specialist teachers.  It is difficult to report if there is no evidence.


Annual General Meeting

Each year the school is required to report to the community about the happenings of the previous year.  Our 2020 AGM is on Monday Sept 14 at 7.30pm.  This will be a WebEx meeting and we are requesting that you indicate your attendance via the Eventbrite link below. 

The 2019 school year was a great achievement year for MPWPS so come and celebrate, meet your friends, grab a cuppa or a beverage, and hear how well your school has performed and   about the plans for the future!

Well, that is about it from me.  It is quiet here and again I say we miss you all, and are already planning for your return in the not too distant future.  In the meantime, read the newsletter, stay informed, and children keep practicing those independent skills.





Kerri Simpson



Monday Assembly

Please find below the link to Monday's assembly video for your enjoyment.