Education News 

Reminder - F.A.D.

Wednesday, 23rd May, 2018

F.A.D. – Wednesday May 23rd


The Grade 5/6 children are really looking forward to FA.D. next Wednesday the 23rd of May. For many of them this will be their first experience of a Free Activity Day.


Thank you to all the volunteers who have offered their time and expertise on this day! There was such a great range of activities for the children to select from. If you have volunteered to run an activity/ies, a note will have been sent home to you today. This note outlines the confirmed time, location and names of children who are booked to participate in your activity. If you haven’t received yours, please come and see Fiona in Room 10.


Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

Helping to keep school healthy this flu season

Important steps to take to reduce the spread of infection at school.

Good general hygiene remains the best defence against infection.

  • Encourage children to regularly wash their hands
  • Encourage children to cough or sneeze into their elbows, not their hands
  • Children with cold or flu-like symptoms should be encouraged to seek medical attention
  • Children exhibiting such symptoms should limit contact with others, and stay at home until symptoms have passed
  • If a child becomes ill at school with these symptoms, school will contact the family and arrange for child’s collection

Community Allergy aware