Mini Vinnies 

President -  Annie

Vice President - Adelaide

Secretary - Jessica

Treasurer - Frankie

Events Organiser - Grace F

Publicity Officer - Addison 




Our Mini Vinnies members would like to thank all of the parents/grandparents who assisted with the making of cupcakes for our House Challenge Day on Friday. It was a big success with all of the cupcakes being sold and eaten in record time. All the money that was raised will be going towards the St Vincent de Paul's Society Winter Appeal.



Don't forget that our Mini Vinnies are organising an afternoon at the movies that will take place on the last day of Term 2 (1st July). This event is still in the planning stages but at the moment, this event will involve an afternoon watching a new release movie while enjoying a drink, chips and gravy as well as popcorn. More information about this experience will be sent home in the very near future.