Mr Hyatt

House Challenge Day

Well, what a success our first House Challenge Day was! It was a beautiful day weatherwise and we had a large number of parents/grandparents who came and supported their children on the day. The day was full of a number of highlights with the students participating in a range of challenges that included designing a bridge that could withstand great amounts of weight being place on them. As well as the students having to pretend that they worked for the House of Indigo or Scarlet and design a costume made out of newspaper. Both houses were tested with their choreography skills in designing various dance routines as well as testing their computer programming skills in getting their spheros to perform a number of procedures. 


Like the swimming carnival, it was a tightly contested with both houses holding very marginal leads throughout the day. When the last round of activities were conducted and the final scores were tallied, the Red House were the winners of the day by defeating the Blue House, 87 to 86. This means that the Red House is leading Blue two events to nil after both the Swimming Carnival as well as the House Day Challenge, but I know Blue will definitely make a comeback at our upcoming School Athletics Carnival in Week 10. 


Semester 1 Reports 

As we head towards the end of the term, all teachers are working hard finalising assessments and writing Semester 1 reports. The reports will be sent home electronically via the Compass parent portal & hard copies will be posted home at the end of Week 9 (Friday 24th June). If parents have any questions after they receive their child's report they can contact the class teacher in week 10.  


The Semester 1 Report provides parents with an overview of their child's achievement in terms of knowledge and skill in each key learning area and their level of engagement; the degree of attention, curiosity and interest they show when learning.  


The government requires a five scale grading system. In place of the A-E grade, a new language is being used to describe the level of knowledge and skills demonstrated by each child: 


Working towards the expected level of achievement - this is split into two sections - Working towards (D)  and Working Well Below (E) the expected level

Working at the expected level of achievement (C)

Working beyond the expected level of achievement - this is split into two sections - Working Beyond (B)  and Working Well Beyond (A) the expected level                                                               

Important Reminder - Mobile Phone Policy

At St. Patrick's we have a no mobile phones policy for students. If for some reason your child needs to have a phone before or after school, they must hand their phone in at the front office before they go to class and pick it up again before they leave in the afternoon. During the school day students can always be contacted by a phone call to the front office. If students are found with a phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated and parents will be notified. 

A reminder also that all phone capabilities of smart watches need to be disabled or sim cards taken out while students are at school. If students are found to be using their smart watch in this way they will also be confiscated and parents notified.

These policies are in place for the safety and well-being of all our students and we thank you for your ongoing support.



OPEN MORNING for 2023 Kindergarten Students - 23rd June 9:30am-11am

Our open morning will be held on Thursday June 23rd  from 9:30am - 11am.


The Open Morning is an opportunity for 2023 parents the opportunity to listen to what St Patrick's offers its students & families. Parents will be able to speak with the staff, have a guided tour of the school and enjoy morning tea. The Transition students are invited to join in with the current Kindergarten class for a morning of activities. 


If you know of anyone with a child ready to start school next year, or anyone who would like to have a look at our school and what we have to offer, please invite them along for our Open Morning.


Enrolments are now open for Kindergarten 2023.  

Our school open morning for Kindergarten will be Thursday 23rd June 2022.

Please contact the school for an enrolment package - 67772328 or email


Real Talk Parent Information Sessions

This upcoming Wednesday our Years 3-6 students will be going to St Joseph's Primary, Uralla. During this day, our Years 4 and 6 students will be participating in a number of Real Talk Sessions. Real Talk is all about getting realon the topics of relationships and personal identity. Based on Christian values and using personal sharing from a team of dynamic presenters, Real Talk provides presentations, programs and up-to-date resources and want all young people to know their true value, worth and dignity and to experience love for all it was created to be.


This year the Real Talk team will also be providing a Parent Night Sessions via Zoom on four different dates throughout the year with the first one having taken place last night. More information is included in the flyer below.




Over the next few weeks our school will be transitioning to a new finance system.  The change will include new ways in which you can make payments to the school which include Bpay, CompassPay and EFTPOS.  Current direct debit options will still be available for a limited time.  Our current school bank account will be closing and therefore we will be asking parents to make payments to the school via one of these new functionalities.


Shortly you will receive your new Fee Statement and included on the Statement will be your new Bpay payment details.  You can easily set up regular payments from your bank account to the new school bpay account.


Via the Compass App, you can also make payments for School Fees and Events.  Please contact the School if you require assistance with the Compass App.


Our School will also have EFTPOS facilities available.  This means you will be able to make payments or purchases over the counter at the School rather than relying on cash.


Upcoming Event Term 3 - New England Sings 2022 Term 3  for Years 3-6

NEW ENGLAND SINGS! 2022 COMBINED PRIMARY CHOIRS REHEARSAL SCHEDULE Armidale and surrounding schools – outreach schools will have rehearsals scheduled at their own school. However, outreach schools are welcome to attend the Armidale workshops if possible.


This exciting event is beginning to take shape, 16 schools (with approx. 500 choristers) in the combined Primary choirs and 14 schools (with approx. 450 choristers) in the Secondary choir. 


The 2022 project will include:

The commissioning of two works from wonderful Australian composers – Justine Clarke for the Primary choir and Luke Byrne for the Secondary choir.


Paul Jarman will be attending workshops throughout the year and will conduct the Primary choirs at the final weekend of rehearsals and concerts.



Date:                                  Tuesday 16 August

Time:                                  12:00 – 1:30pm


FINAL REHEARSAL (all schools, including outreach schools to attend):

Date: Saturday 22nd October (directed by Paul Jarman) 

Time: Primary Choir 1 9:30am – 11:00am (arrive by 9:15am) 

 Venue: Armidale Secondary College


CONCERTS: Date: Sunday 23rd October (directed by (with Paul Jarman) 

Time: Primary Choir 11:00am – 1:00pm (arrive by 10:15am) 

Venue: Armidale Secondary College (Butler St)



St Patrick’s School is an outreach school for the rehearsals but we will attempt to attend two of the rehearsals in Armidale. 

Parents will have to commit to the Saturday 22nd October - Final Rehearsal and Sunday 23rd October Concert. If they wish their child to participate in New England Sings. 


A short video onwhat New England Sings! is all about is included below:




Years 3-6 Choir - second in their division 

Please read the comment below from the adjudicator