School Assembly 

We will be having our next school assembly on Friday 17th June at 11.30am in the library. Parents are definitely welcome to attend. Hopefully we will see you then.


Congratulations to the following students who received an award at our Awards Ceremony at the end of the House Challenge Day last Friday.


Mackenzie L: for excellent progress in writing.

Levi: for excellent progress in reading.

Harriet: for excellent contributions to whole-class discussions and working hard to complete work.

Benji: for working hard to complete his writing withe xtra information and being so willing to help Mrs Healey when she is unsure of something, thank you!

Kiara: for demonstrating a high level of skill in Maths, specially in the topic of Angles.

Grace C: for being a conscientious and independent worker.

Lachie: for AMAZING improvement in his structure, spelling and punctuation when writing.



Jelly Bean Cup 

The Jelly Bean Cup is awarded to a class who has outstanding achievement in a particular area at school assemblies.  


Jelly Bean Cup Winners Year 3/4
Jelly Bean Cup Winners Year 3/4