Launch News
Susanne Milne, Launch Coordiantor F-10
Launch News
Susanne Milne, Launch Coordiantor F-10
Round 2 Results
Our Year 5 teams debated on the topic 'That trampolines are a good idea for children.'
Congratulations to our teams:
Our Year 6 teams debated the topic 'That schools should have a dog to reduce stress in the classroom.'
Congratulations to our team:
Well done to our students who won "Speaker of the Evening":
An outstanding effort!
Thank you to the parents for their encouragement and support at home. Thanks to our dedicated staff; Neven Daoud, Richard Heath, Caroline Wicks, and Vivonne Amoy. Also to Caleb (Year 10), for diligently coaching our Middle School team.
Week 10, Friday 7 July, 9.30am - 2pm
Emmaus Performing Arts Centre
South Plympton Campus Junior School
On Friday 7 July, our South Plympton Junior School students from Year 1 to Year 6 will take part in Identity Day. This is a chance for your child(ren) to share something special about themselves with the whole school. Foundation students will be working on a project “About Me” in their class with their teacher.
We are looking forward to the lively conversations around your child's small Identity Box that they are making at home ready to bring and display in the EPAC on Friday 7 July.
Your child's content can be about one interest, hobby, travel, sport, or your family heritage. See here for more information.