From the Principal

Hello everyone, it has been a smooth start to the term. I have visited many classrooms since the beginning of term and there is great teaching and learning occurring.


NAPLAN results were released this week for schools to review and I am very pleased to report, when compared to other schools, our students have achieved very good results. It is difficult to compare this year with last year as the proficiency levels have changed. This year, new standards were introduced to NAPLAN reporting. For all Literacy and Numeracy reports, student achievements will be recorded from ‘Needs additional support’, ‘Developing’, ‘Strong’ or ‘Exceeding’. 


Individual NAPLAN reports have not arrived at the College. As soon as they do, each certificate will be enveloped and placed in the mail and sent to your home address. 

A Change of Student Details form is available at the end of the newsletter if you have moved and not informed the college.


Course Counselling begins this week and will conclude by the end of next week. It is extremely important all students from Year 9-11 enter their preferred subject choices in Edval found on Compass. This information will inform us about which subjects will be offered next year. Subjects will only run if there are sufficient student numbers.


Tickets are selling fast for our College Production, "Be More Chill". Opening night is Tuesday 25th, July with more performances on 26th and 27th July. You can book tickets on Students have been working extremely hard and I know it will be a fantastic performance. 


Work continues to develop the education program to address racism. This will begin with Respectful Relationships this term. The Wellbeing Team and students are involved in the planning.


Thankyou for your ongoing support.










Linda Stanton



Important Dates


21/07/23 | Year 9 into Year 10 2024 Course Counselling

25/07 - 27/07/23 | School Production "Be More Chill"

28/07/23 | Year 10 into Year 11 2024 Course Counselling



11/08 - 14/08/23 | Aerobics Final in Adelaide

28/08/23 | Parent Teacher Interviews 12pm - 7.00pm  - REVISED DATE



7/09/23 | Year 7 2024 Parent Information Evening

11/09 - 14/09/23 | Year 11 Outdoor Education Gariwerd Camp

15/09/23 | Last day of Term 3 (2.30pm Finish)



02/10/23 | First Day of Term 4


Don't forget to look on compass for sport sign ups, excursions and any other information sent to students and parents. 

Below is a link to help guide you in your use of compass.


Middle School

Dear Parents and Guardians,


Yesterday we had the Year 7 assembly and awards for effort and achievement were presented. Gold Star recipients received their badges and STRIVE awardees received certificates and badges. It is wonderful when the students positively congratulate their peers on receiving an award.


Last week, I presented an equation and asked you to see if you could find the answer using the Order of Operations BIDMAS. The first person with the correct answer of - 49 was Year 7 student Chloe Smith. Chloe will receive a canteen voucher. Thank you, parents, and guardians, for your responses.


Tomorrow, Year 9 students attend course counselling interviews. It is a big step for Year 9 students as they consider their course for senior school. It is always a really great day as we get to meet you and your child. Together we have the chance to discuss your child’s subject choices, pathway interest and what they are naturally good at and importantly what areas of the curriculum they enjoy. We look forward to seeing you.   All bookings are online via Compass.


This week, I have been teaching English at Year 9. The students are studying George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”. Many of you would be familiar with this text or have studied it at school too as it is a text that has been on the syllabus for a long time.  Animal Farm is a political allegory. An allegory is a story in which events and characters stand for something besides themselves. The characters and events of Animal Farm represent the real people and events of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath.


On first reading, it seems a simple story. I am amazed at the student’s genuine interest in acquiring understanding of the complex nature of the text and I am so pleased that they are willing to interpret and link the themes with the author’s intention. 


To be able to write an analytical essay students must know and understand the plot, the setting, the themes, the characters, and the author’s intention.  Each of these elements help when students are to write an essay. Importantly, students should maintain a neat workbook of chapter summaries, quotes, and character profiles. All of this helps students develop a view and understanding of the themes and they can provide their analysis based on a solid understanding of the text and of course by including evidence. 


Personally, I have always loved studying texts and discussing aspects of the text.  It is the discussion that allows students to develop their view or even change their view on a text response. 


Thank you for your ongoing support.


Wishing you a great week.




Denise Leggett

Middle School Assistant Principal




Senior School


To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,


Well, we’ve made it past the halfway mark of winter and as we come to the conclusion of week two, our Senior School students will be acutely aware of the pace this term presents. For Year 12s, SACs will be scheduled with regularity as teachers aim to finish courses by the end of week 9, to provide the best opportunities for the VCAA exam preparation, starting with trial exams in week 10. There will be more information to come on that front. Our Year 12 VCE VM students are also working hard to complete their courses by the end of Term 3. Only VCE VM students who have not satisfactorily completed all coursework will be required in Term 4.


Our Year 10 and 11 students are in the midst of course counselling and at the time of writing, we have fewer than 80 students combined across both year levels still to enter their selection preferences on the Edval. Those students will be followed up individually to support this process. The course counselling process is critically important in deciding which subjects have generated sufficient interest to be staffed in 2024 and I thank everyone who was able to meet the published deadline for this process. I’d like to give a shout out to a student who has been in contact with me regarding their course counselling, despite being overseas. That demonstrates a great maturity, dedication to study and investment in their future. Just one of many examples of conscientious Mornington students.


Last week I spoke about work output and the pre-conditions for successful learning at Mornington. I was talking about our students being ready to learn. Part of being ready to learn includes the very basic expectation of turning up to class on time. I’ve run the data for the first 8 days of this term, and you can see the results below. 



This above data provides a good representation of the improvement needed by our current year 10s with their organisational skills, to succeed in their VCE studies. However, there is room for improvement for our Year 11 and 12s as well. At Mornington, we use the STAR instructional model in our lessons. The ‘S’ refers to starter, where the learning intentions and success criteria are explained for students so they can understand what they need to do to be successful in that lesson. It is critical that our students are present for that part of the lesson, so they know what they are learning (and why).


The next part of the STAR model is the Teaching or instructional section, where new concepts are taught. Students who miss this part of the lesson or come in part way through, may often feel behind their peers or develop gaps in their learning. 


As you can see, simply arriving at class on time, is an important habit for students, which assists them being ready to learn.


Some effective strategies to reduce lateness to class include:

  • Moving to lockers as soon as the warning bells sound.
  • Collecting and carrying learning materials (laptop, books, pens) for the next two periods in the morning and after recess.
  • Keeping a printed timetable inside the door of your locker so you can see which class is next/checking Compass on your laptop each morning to see if any room changes have happened.

I’ve included again some of the key questions to discuss with your child, as they progress through this vitally important term. You can also do your own detective work by logging to the Compass app to see their daily attendance and read in the lesson plans, what your child was learning about each day. Ready to learn questions to ask your child:


  • Do they arrive at every class on time? 
  • Do they take their laptop, multiple pens, exercise books and textbooks (where they are required) to each class?
  • Do they sit in a position or with people in classes that allows them the best opportunity to learn?
  • Do they know how to seek assistance when they need it? Do they know how to do without putting their hand up? 
  • Are they checking Compass to view lesson plans prior to classes?
  • Are they reviewing and embedding the learning after school each day to maximise retention and understanding? Can they explain it to you.


Highlights from this week include:


Year 10 

As the term works into its full swing we would just like to take the time to remind our students that they are expected to wear the correct uniform while on school grounds and attending all classes. While we appreciate that the mornings are cold, it is essential that students are not wearing hoodies and be wearing the proper Mornington Secondary College uniform. Students not wearing the correct uniform can have specific items, such as hoodies, confiscated. In cases where students are completely out of uniform, we may also need to send them home to change.


We would also just like to remind everyone of the College's mobile phone policy in line with the Ministerial Order. For the most part it is great to see that so many of our students have adapted to our updated policies however we are aware that some students are continuing to bring their mobile phones to class and when these are seen, are choosing to defy the instruction to surrender them. This can result in some high-level consequences and so we would simply ask all students to remember that their mobile devices (including headphones) are not permitted during school hours and to follow the instructions of a staff member if they are seen with them.


Year 11 

Year 11 students have embraced Term 3 with excellent behaviour and attitude to learning. The focus for Term 3 is Academic Performance. This is to prepare them for Year 12. A range of support, from study skills, study clubs and competitions will be offered to all ear 11 students this term. Our formal is also taking place on September 1st, so students are helping to create a memorable event. 


Students are reminded of the Mobile Phone Policy and uniform expectations. It is pleasing to see students wearing correct uniform or being respectful when reminded. 


Attendance and positive culture competitions are continuing this term building on the success of the previous two terms. It is encouraging to see how respectful the students are in their interactions with staff and each other. We are in the middle of a cold winter, but our wonderful students create such warmth and sunshine!



Year 12 

Year 12 students leaders organised a pyjama day this week as a way of lightening the mood of the challenging Term 3. Students across the year level took the opportunity to dress in their flannels, oodies, hoodies and trackies. The winter warmers were a hit and it created a nice mood for the students.  I had the pleasure of watching the rehearsals for the school musical this week in which many of our Year 12 students are participating in, both on stage and in various other roles from sound, to set to band and front of house ticketing. Extra curricula activities like these create lifelong memories. 


Information about VTAC applications for further study will take place in an assembly in week 4. I will aim to share information with families as well so that you are able to support your children with applications for courses and SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme). 

Thank you for your ongoing support. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out via email or phone. Connections between home and school are so very important and are always welcomed. 



I look forward to speaking with many of you during the course counselling process.



Kind regards,




Nick Evans

Senior School Assistant Principal




STRIVE to be the best!

This week 198 students will receive a STRIVE badge. The STRIVE award is based on the 2 sets of progress checks conducted by teachers in Term 1 and 2. Students are rated out of 4 on being “Prepared and on time”, a “Positive participant in class”, “Working to improve” and “Completing and submitting tasks on time”.  All these things are achievable by all students and we will be shortly asking students to reflect on their current levels and setting goals to improve.


The STRIVE badge is given to student who receive an average of 3.75 and above over Term 1 and 2. Badges will be distributed to students next week. I encourage all students to put their best foot forward and give each class maximum effort. There’s a badge in it for you!


Kind regards,




Mike Parker

Assistant Principal




Staff profile

Shellie Farnill


I have been working at Mornington Secondary College since 2009 in various General Office administration roles. I have loved working here all these years with our wonderful community of staff, families, and students.


My current role is administration support to the General Office, Wellbeing Assistant Principal, and the Wellbeing Team, mainly arranging lots of parent meetings, looking after the Doctor in School program. I also organise uniform support for families that need that extra help. We can help through State School Relief vouchers or from our collection of pre-owned uniform that has been donated (which is always welcome).


I also coordinate the college immunisation programs and look after the CSEF application process (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund) which provides payments for eligible students to attend school camps, excursions, and sports.


My role is very rewarding, and I really enjoy the close connection to families and students.


Away from the College I have lots of hobbies, mainly walking, playing golf, singing in a choir, and painting large beachy artworks. My favourite thing is being mum to three boys which are now men! 😊


Doctor Steph is onsite every Thursday. If your child would like an appointment, please email: or contact Shellie at the General Office. Students can also message Doctors in School in Microsoft Teams.


If you find you need support with getting uniform or school shoes, please email Shellie via the school email:

State School Relief may also be able to help with a few books at book order time.


CSEF has closed for 2023. The application form for 2024 will be attached to Compass in Term 4.

See link to check your eligibility:


College Production - Be More Chill

Don't for get to purchase your tickets for our College production  - Be More Chill.

The students have all been working so hard and the production is looking fantastic.

2023 Work Experience

For information about our Year 10 Work Experience program please see the attached 2023 Student Work Experience Guide. 


This is a very exciting program and we enjoy learning about all the different workplaces/industries students find for their work experience. Students might like to contact local employers or research larger companies (under parental/guardian guidance and approval).


Students are not to undertake work experience at their casual/part time jobs, they should research jobs they are interested in beyond Mornington Secondary College and take the time to contact employers to discuss availability.


Students can choose any 5 days during Terms 3 and 4, excluding exams and Fast Forward.  Please refer to the 2023 Mornington Secondary College Student Work Experience Guide for the exact dates.


Please note: It is compulsory for students currently enrolled in Project Ready to do one week of work experience.


Forms attached include

  • 2023 MSC Student Work Experience Guide
  • DET Work Experience Arrangement Form
  • DET Work Experience Travel Form
  • DET Work Experience Guidelines for Employers
  • Student Work Placement Information and Evaluation

The DET (Department of Education & Training) have specific requirements for schools implementing work experience placements for secondary students. The 2023 Work Experience Guide has been developed by the MSC Pathways/Careers Team for MSC students to assist with understanding these requirements. 


The contact for this program is Allison Betts on 5970 0200 or


 Work Experience Guidelines for Employers

 Work Experience Arrangement Form

 Work Experience Travel and Accommodation Form

 Student Work Placement Information and Evaluation

 2023 MSC Student Work Experience Guide

Year 11 - Unit 1 Art Creative Practice

Students designed and made a coil pot using earthenware clay and then used a pointed tool to scratch into the hardened surface of the clay, a technique called sgraffito. 


The designs on the pots reflect the student’s identity’s and acts as a visual journal of their lives. 


Year 12 - PJ Day

Our Year 12 students spent today, Thursday, in their pyjama's raising money for Speak & Share, the charity that our school is fundraising for this year.


"Speak & Share is a not for profit mental health organisation who encourages the tough conversations and challenges the stigma associated with mental health. Through our preventative proactive approach, we facilitate school, corporate and sporting club programs, as well as local events to connect community and raise awareness to positively impact mental health awareness." 


MSC Breakfast Club


MSC has developed an amazing Breakfast Club over the past few years. At MSC we strongly believe that all students should have access to a warm healthy breakfast to set them up for success and achievement. Brekkie club is run by the Wellbeing Team, with support from Rotary Club of Mornington, Lions Club and the Mornington Shire. It runs on a Monday, Wednesday, and Friday during the term from 7:45am. We have a wide selection of food and drink options from hot toasties to cereals! In addition, during Summer we offer fruit smoothies, and on cold wintery days we have hot Milo available to all students.



Turning into Teens

State Cross Country

Today I had the good fortune of continuing the great work Alex Mackenzie has done with our cross-country students, taking eight of our students to the Yarra Valley Racecourse to run at the State Cross-Country Championships. All students represented MSC outstandingly and recorded some great results. 


  • Our 16 y/o Boys’ team ( Andrew Turver, Jackson Linskill & Cian Andrews) took out 1st place, winning the state team event!
  • Our 12-13 y/o Boys’ team (Ethan Sheen, Rafa Merchan, Bailey Barrett & Jackson Ablett) placed 3rd overall. 

Individual results were as follows:


16 y/o Boys’:

Andrew Turver (5th place)

Cian Andrews (51st place)

Jackson Linskill (23rd place)


12/13 y/o Boys:

Ethan Sheen (3rd place)

Rafael Merchan (49th place)

Jackson Ablett (60th place)

Bailey Barrett (87th place)


14 y/o Boys’:

Baylin Wilcox (17th place)



Robert Horwill



National Tree Day


Mornington Secondary College’s Environment Club is seeking local green thumbs ahead of National Tree Day


MSC and Planet Ark are inviting local residents to dig in and do something good for nature and their community as part of National Tree Day 2023.


National Tree Day is a great opportunity to maintain and enhance our beautiful environment for our local wildlife as well as ensuring the region continues to be a great place to live and getting all the benefits that come from spending time outdoors.


Schools Tree Day (July 28) and National Tree Day (July 30) are Australia’s largest annual tree-planting and nature care events, with plantings taking place across the country on the last weekend of July. Each year, around 300,000 people volunteer their time to engage in activities that encourage greater understanding of the natural world and how we can protect it.


Students can participate by purchasing a tree or shrub for $3 which can be planted at home, or preferably, donated to the school and planted in a number of locations around the school to help beautify our surrounds, as well as helping to support biodiversity and offset our carbon footprint.


Plants will be available for purchase next week and students can sign up to also participate on planting day. Thank you to everyone who buys a plant, and thanks to our Environment Club for making it happen.


For interviews, images, or information about National Tree Day sites in your area, contact:


Liam Taylor

Jennifer McMillan


Head of Communications, Planet Ark

Communications Manager, Planet Ark


02 8484 7205 | 0449 530 525

0421 031 369


About Planet Ark

Planet Ark Environmental Foundation is an Australian not-for-profit organisation with a vision of a world where people live in balance with nature. Established in 1992, it is one of Australia’s leading environmental behaviour change organisations with a focus on working collaboratively and positively. Planet Ark promotes and creates simple, positive environmental actions – for everyone.

Japanese - Sumo Wrestling

What do you know about Sumo?


In Year 10 Japanese at the end of Semester 1, we started work on our current Topic: Traditional and Modern Sport in Japan.


As an end of Semester treat, the Y10 Japanese students had the opportunity to learn about the world of Sumo, with a particular focus on the pre-bout rituals that each wrestler りきし (rikishi) must carry out prior to commencing the bout.


Due to rain, we were confined to the classroom - but this did not stop us!


We moved the furniture to the sides and marked out the Sumo Ring どうひょう (douhyou) in chalk on the carpet.


Students then had an opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the pre-bout rituals donning Sumo Suits.


The rest of us were active on the sidelines ensuring that all steps were completed in full:


  1. Throw salt into the ring (to purify the ring)
  2. Clap hands and raise arms (to show that you are weapon free)
  3. Squat down, and stomp feet (to scare off evil spirits)
  4. Place both fists down on the ground (to signify that you’re ready to start the bout)


Enjoy the pictures below. I hope you now know a little more about Sumo!



Simone Kuygimiya

Japanese Teaching Department

Do you need help with Maths?


Ms Reddy is available to help every Thursday 

lunchtime for Years 7 - 10 in the Learning Centre. 

Be there or be squared!! 


Positive Quotes for the week


Dear Year 12 Teachers,

Thank you for all your hard work in teaching 

and guiding our kids and students.

Jenny and Silvana.




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