Activities and Events


Congratulations to Ellanor Freeman for winning the 11 Years NarraBRIGHT colouring in competition! 




Stage 1 are undertaking a School Yard Safari unit and were lucky to receive a visit from Trudy Staines and her awesome team of CSIRO scientists!! On Tuesday 21st March each class participated in three different workshops learning about:

  • Cotton ~ they witnessed the different stages of cotton fibre breakdown and how CSIRO are working with cotton gins to break that fibre down further to make compost by using flies.
  • Reptiles ~ they gained an understanding of how important different reptiles such as skinks, blue tongue lizards, shingle backs and pythons are to the environment.
  • Beneficial Insects ~ they had to identify the insect and determine if it was a "good guy" or a "bad guy" for the environment by catching them on beat sheets that are used in cotton checking.




Parent/Teacher interviews were held last week and it was great to see so many parents and guardians present at the interviews. Communication between parents/guardians and teachers is extremely important as we build an effective working relationship between home and school.