P & F News


The Parents and Friends (P&F) Association held their Annual General Meeting (AGM) last Monday 27th March 2023 where the 2023 committee was formed.


We would like to extend a big thank you to the outgoing committee members Barlow Roberts and Peter Harvey for their contribution to the P&F Association in 2022.


At the AGM, Phil Davies was reappointed President along with Vanessa Parish who is also a returning member being appointed to Treasurer. A warm welcome to Melinda O’Connor who is joining the committee as Secretary. 


The P&F are seeking a Vice-President and a new Fundraising Secretary role to join the committee. If you are interested in either of these roles please contact the School Office for further information. 


The core business of the P&F is fun, family and community as we try to find ways to bring our school community together for social events as a way of connecting our families with the greater school community. We still do a little bit of fundraising for targeted school initiatives with our major project for 2023 to raise money and help secure funding for the Primary Play Equipment redevelopment project. 


St Francis Xavier’s School is very lucky to have an active P & F Association.