Principal's Report

Term 1, Week 11

Dear Parents and Carers,


We've come to the end of a very busy first term of 2023, with much to look back upon with pride. It is a great credit to the staff and students here at St FX for the way in which everyone has settled into the school year despite the increase in classes and the student body. We know it makes life a little more complicated for everyone of an afternoon, and the lack of extra space at times is frustrating, but everyone has gotten on with the job with a smile on their face and a spring in their step!


This Thursday, we celebrate the last day of term and invite parents and carers to the Easter Assembly at 9.30am under the COLA. All parents and carers are warmly invited to join us for the Easter Hat Parade and Special Assembly where we will present the Term 1 Principal's Awards for students who always demonstrate the Living Well, Learning Well Rules for Living. We would love for families to stick around afterwards and join us for a Picnic on the Lawns from approximately 10.30am. 


Term 2 commences for all students on Wednesday 26 April. Monday 24 April is a Pupil Free Day and staff will be engaged in professional learning offsite on this day.


Tuesday April 25 is of course ANZAC Day, and all students are invited to march with the school on this very important occasion. We would love to see a strong contignent of students represent our school on this day. Students are asked to be dressed in full summer uniform (a hat is a necessity) and meet at 10.10am in the TAFE carpark ready to march at 10.30am. The march will conclude at the Cenotaph at the Narrabri RSL and parents are asked to collect their children at the conclusion of the ceremony.


Our 2024 Kindergarten enrolment processes have now begun. If you have a child starting school next year, or know of someone who does, please come in to the school office to collect an enrolment package. We already have strong interest and placements are filling up fast. The 2024 Kindergarten Information Session will be held on Thursday 4 May in the school library. 


Yesterday's Palm Sunday Mass was the indication that Holy Week has now commenced. The Parish schedule for this week is;

Holy Thursday Mass - 7pm

Good Friday Stations of the Cross - 9am

Good Friday Mass - 3pm

Easter Saturday Mass - 7pm

Easter Sunday Mass - 9am


Please note - all Sunday morning Masses in the parish moving forward will be held at 9am (no longer at 8am).


There has been a recent increase of students bringing energy drinks into school to consume before school and during breaks. Specifically, a new product called "PRIME" has been coming into school. It is worth noting, this product is not suitable for any child under the age of 15. These drinks contain more than twice the recommended caffeine limit which is not healthy for young people. As a result, PRIME, as well as any other caffeinated energy drink eg: Monster, Red Bull are not permitted onsite at St Francis Xavier's and we would appreciate your support in helping to monitor this. 


Have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to seeing everyone again in Term 2!

