Fundraising Events
Election Day Cake Stall and BBQ
On Saturday 21st May we will be holding a Cake Stall and Democracy BBQ. This is a great fundraising opportunity as we will be a Polling Place on the day. Families are asked to contribute by supplying some home baked goods to be sold at the Cake Stall. We will be sending home a plate, bag and ingredients list for your donation on Monday 16th May. Please return your items for the sale on Friday 20th May, so items can be sorted and priced.
We will be seeking parent helpers to assist with the staffing of the stalls. Please look out for the push that will go home later in the week seeking volunteers and sign up form.
Movie Night 2022 - Oh what a night!
A wonderful night was had by all, we had perfect weather, a great movie, great food and the opportunity to come together as a community, a perfect night! Thank you very much to the Parent Rep's and all who assisted on the night, ensuring it was a well run and memorable night. Please enjoy some images captured by our roaming photographer Kerri on the night. Movie Night raised $4486.57, thank you for your generosity and support.The MPW Fundraising Team