Schools Events - PIPS: Philosophy in Public Spaces

COVID-19 Affected Events
Please note that our PIPS events have all been moved to Semester 2. However, there is a strong possibility that COVID-19 will still affect events through July, August, and September. So while we will keep these events on our calendar in hope, there is a strong chance that all PIPS events will be cancelled for 2020.
2020 PIPS Events
You may have noticed that the regular VAPS events for Secondary Students, and Middle & Primary Students at Melbourne Museum, Immigration Museum, Scienceworks, and the National Gallery of Victoria have been renamed. VAPS is no longer describing our events as 'Philosothons', as this terminology is more synonymous with the competitive style of philosophy practiced elsewhere, and we are refocusing our activities to support the development of caring thinking alongside critical and creative thinking.
These events are now referred to as PIPS events (Philosophy in Public Spaces).
VAPS will continue to run our full suite of events for students in 2020, with all of the same organisers still on board there are no changes other than the name, and we plan to make our 2020 events bigger and better!
Schools' Philosophy in Public Spaces (PIPS) Events for 2020
***Middle Years (years 5-8) at Melbourne Museum (30th Apr) ***CANCELLED DUE TO COVID-19
***Primary Years (years 4-6) at National Gallery of Victoria - RESCHEDULED FOR 3rd AUGUST DUE TO COVID-19
Middle Years (years 5-8) at Immigration Museum (30th July)
Senior Years (years 8-11) at the National Gallery of Victoria (28 August)
Middle Years (years 5-8) at Scienceworks Museum (10th Sep)
Middle Years (years 5-8) at Melbourne Museum (19th Nov)
All Primary & Middle years events are 10 students per school.
The Secondary event is comprised of groups of 8 students per school:
To register interest in attending any or all events, please contact the PIPS Coordinator here.
Facilitators are needed for all events.
This is a chance to visit the exhibits for free and gain some valuable professional development experience conducting philosophical communities of inquiry with students. You will love it!
If you are interested, please contact the education officer here.