Clever Classes

Grade 3/4 

Grade 3/4 Camp


Term 4 started with a bang for Grade 3 and 4 students and staff with an overnight camp to Orana at Roches Beach. We spent the day exploring South Arm and walked up to the labyrinth at the top of Potters Hill. We took part in the labyrinth and shared a prayer together, whilst appreciating the amazing views of our beautiful surroundings. 


After some beach activities and lunch, we ventured to the campsite and unpacked into 

our cabins. We participated in a rotation of activities over the afternoon - an obstacle course and a coastal beach walk. Our evening was filled with dinner, ice cream, marshmallows and most importantly, we shared some special God Moments from 

our day. 


The camp was a great chance for all students and staff to continue to get to know each other and build on the positive relationships we have formed this year, as well as the perfect opportunity to get out of our comfort zones, push the limits of what we thought we could achieve and have some new experiences. 


A big thank you to all of the staff who joined us for the camp - without you all, it wouldn't have gone ahead - and a HUGE thank you to the Grade 3 and 4 students for their positive attitudes, their willingness to participate and above all else, for having fun! 



Pictured: Our grade 3/4 teaching and support staff enjoying a group photo and the experience at the Labyrinth at South Arm.



What an experience!

Thank you for sharing your recent camp with us.