Principal's Message

with Mr Brendan Gill

Principal’s Message


Term Four started in a frenzy with Grade 3/4 Camp, John Paul II Day, and our Athletics Carnival.  These were all wonderful events that enriched our school community.  


Over the last two weeks, we have commenced our pre-Kinder sessions.  It has been lovely to meet our new families and reconnect with our existing families.  The excitement of starting ‘big school’ is palpable at these sessions and it is one of the joys of working with young children.  


Well done to our Grade 1 students and Mrs Singleton!  The ABC came to visit this week to learn more about Catholic Education Tasmania's Literate Learners for Life.  Check it out here:  It is a testament to our staff who have invested considerable time in teaching spelling and reading in a research informed way.  


Brendan Gill | Principal


Pictured: Grade 3/4 students walking the scenic Labyrinth at South Arm during their camp