Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Today is Remembrance Day. We gathered together as a school community to stop, remember and pray for, not only those brave men and women who died or were wounded in conflict but for peace in our lives and our country. It was a lovely reflection where we listened to the recitation of The Ode and the playing of The Last Post. We stood in silence for a minute reflecting on the sacrifices made for our wonderful, free country and listened to the lovely poem, In Flanders Fields. Thank you to our Year 6 Leaders for leading the reflection with such respect and reverence and organising it with Mr Cameron. Unfortunately, our student leaders were unable to join members of the RSL at Mactier Park for the memorial service this year. However, in the coming days some of our students will visit the new plaque which was unveiled and lay a wreath on behalf of Sacred Heart.

We are celebrating NAIDOC Week this week.  The 2020 theme, Always Was, Always Will Be recognises that our First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were Australia’s first explorers, first navigators, first engineers, first farmers, first botanists, first scientists, first diplomats, first astronomers and first artists. Classes will be embracing the history of our country that dates back for thousands of generations.

Teachers are currently completing individual assessments in a range of Literacy and Numeracy areas. These assessments provide valuable data, achievements and progression for every student. Relief teachers will replace class teachers to enable them to complete these assessments. Teachers are also currently forming 2021 classes. Unfortunately, as the 2021 staffing is still being finalised, I am unable to allocate teachers to classes.  I will provide this information to parents as soon as I am able.


Many end of year events need to be adapted to ensure that the health and safety of everyone is considered and we comply with the Government COVID regulations.  COVID Safety Plans will be completed for any events and we will do all we can to ensure each one is a happy, memorable time for all involved.  Preparations are in place to celebrate our Year 6 Graduation and although it will look different this year, we know it will be a very special and deserving celebration for our class of 2020. A letter to Year 6 families with all the dates and celebrations will be sent home as soon as final arrangements are made but, in the meantime, please check the calendar on this newsletter for some of the important dates.


We are very excited to finally begin Foundation 2021Transition and welcome our 40 new students to Sacred Heart. This week we have had small groups of 8 kinder children come into school and we are enjoying getting to know each of them. They have met their teachers and enjoyed some fun-filled time getting to know the school and some new friends. Next week we are having our 2021 Parent Information Session. These will take place Tuesday morning and Tuesday and Wednesday evening. Please phone the school to book into one of these sessions.

It was lovely to have some of our students representing Sacred Heart at interschool competitions once again. Last week Amelia Petrie, Ivy Aikman and Eliza Abrahams entered the 2020 Inter-School Equestrian Challenge in Albury. All girls competed very well and were a credit to their school. Special congratulations to Eliza who was Champion in her section for Show Jumping. Thank you, Bree Petrie, for organising this.


Congratulations Albie Borzillo and Elliot Haines who received the Principal’s Award. Albie greets his teachers and others with a lovely, friendly greeting each morning. He works hard to display all our school values of being respectful and responsible and always does his best. Elliot is enthusiastic for learning, polite when greeting teachers, knows and follows our class routines and is a really happy person to be around! Congratulations and well done Albie and Elliot.                                                                                                                            


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always.    


Pauline Hindson


Jobseeker & CSEF

For parents/guardians who have recently applied for the Government's JobSeeker support due to COVID-19 and now hold a Health Care Card your children may be eligible for Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding (CSEF) of $125 per student. Please complete the application form from the school website link below, return to the completed form to the school office and we will lodge an application for CSEF on your behalf. 


The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria has advised that the eligibility for the CSEF has been extended to Monday 5 October, with the closing date for CSEF applications now Friday 27 November. Please note we will be unable to lodge applications after this date.