Term 4 Week 6



This week in Reading we have continued to give the students the opportunity to respond in different ways to text and have asked students to use their own reading novel as the stimulus.

This has included making connections, comparing and contrasting elements of the book, considering the author's purpose, finding the main idea and drawing conclusions and making inferences. These strategies have been explicitly taught through this year and the students are now using them to comprehend and analyse their own literature. 



The students have been exploring procedural texts. We have used the science experiments as the content and focused on the purpose of procedural texts and the importance of sequencing, using specific vocabulary and the text structure; goal, materials and steps. Relating the writing to practical experience has shown the students the importance of including all the key features of the text.  

Word Study

The students have continued their film making experience by scripting, acting, producing and editing their very own teaching video of the five wordstudy rules for Secret Agent Silent Letter E. Their imagination, creativity and genuine 'stardom' has been award winning!



Number and Algebra

Last week the students completed their unit of work on division with a 'Division Thinkboard'. This task enabled students to apply their knowledge of division strategies to solve problems. This week students have commenced a unit of work on Fractions. Practical, hands on tasks have included identification of unit fractions and manipulating common unit fractions and their multiples to create a whole.

Measurement and Geometry

This week the students inquired into the final concept of Measurement for the year; Capacity. We explored our prior knowledge through round robin brainstorming. With hands on practical tasks, students identified and ordered the capacity of a range of different containers. They then considered whether size or shape of a container influenced its capacity. Next  week students will use the formal units of measurement to determine the capacity of different containers and learn to read different measurement increments of milliliters and litres. 

Unit of Inquiry

Over the past few weeks students have been understanding the 'Scientific Process' through practical experience of conducting experiments relating to our Unit of Inquiry 'How the World Works'. Students are understanding the importance of developing skills and attitudes which scientists use. By testing the absorbency of nappies, changing the state of materials to produce glue and testing the qualities of kitty litter students have scientifically predicted, observed and recorded their results. In the coming week we will build on the understanding that materials have different features or properties which influence their use. 


We are  preparing the students in the coming weeks for a happy and confident transition to Grade 4. This involves the students spending time in a grade 4 classroom and being involved in activities which will give them an insight into the programs and new experiences the year level will bring. The students will be staying in their same grade 3 class groups for the two transition sessions.  


Wednesday November 18 - Grade 4 Transition Session 1

Wednesday November 25 - Grade 4 Transition Session 2

Friday December 4 - Curriculum Day Pupil Free

Grade 3 Team (Week 7)

For this week, the following teachers will be working with the following classes:


3A - Sylvia Zanati  



3B - Georgia Kirk



3C - Amanda Kerr 



3D - Shae Langford-Jones (Wed - Fri)

& Lisa Day (Mon & Tues)
