
Another fantastic semester at Blackburn High School comes to an end. Well done to all Melba House students, families and staff for navigating a very busy term.
The Melba House Mentor Teachers have done a wonderful job checking in with their students and delivering an action packed Mentor Program consisting of Motivational Monday, Well-being Wednesday, and Fun Friday. Students and parents are reminded that the Mentor Teacher is the first point of contact at the school.
It has been great to see so many Melba House students participating in a range of extra-curricular events including year 7, 8 and the Duke of Edinburgh camp, the Mid-year Music Concert, inter-school sport, Languages Day, cross-country carnival and House fundraisers.
With the end of the semester comes the formal assessment period for our students. Congratulations to the Year 10 & 11 students who have recently completed examination periods, this is excellent preparation to succeed within the VCE pathway. I encourage all parents to read and discuss the end of semester reports with their student/s and if there are any questions, contact the subject teacher.
Best wishes for the term 2 holiday period, we look forward to catching up with everyone following a well deserved break on Monday the 11th of July.
Student Led Melba House Assembly
Well done to the Melba House student leadership team who designed and led a house assembly on Tuesday the 21st of June during Mentor Group.
This outstanding group of emerging leaders presented a range of student highlights from across the term and developed an engaging and interactive quiz for students to compete in teams from their Mentor Group. Well done to students from M12 (Adrian, Jack, Gavin, Taiga, Markus & Saturn) who finished in second place and the students in M6 (Amy, Spencer, Lingesh, Ryan, Anderson & Lavi) who finished in first place.
BHS Athletics Carnival Champions
Congratulations to the following students who have been crowned champions for their age group:
- Under 13 Girls- Chelsea Daniels
- Under 16 Boys- Markus To
Year 7 Camp
The Year 7 Melba House students attended the Kinglake Forest Adventures Camp in week 7 of this term and experienced a range of outdoor activities and weather conditions.
Thank you to the Melba staff who attended the camp and supported the students in having a memorable experience.
Mr Mullarvey, Mrs Wimalasuriya, Ms Dwyer, Ms Bianco, Ms Weatherly, Ms Dare and Mr Morris.
The wildergaiming dance was a highlight for me, we chose a ballet theme and all danced around Will G
Liana Poyraz M8
The nature walk was interesting as we got to to find new things, like the lightening tree.
Indi Lowe M12
The free fall was great and it felt cool when I was falling, it felt like I was flying.
LivinIa Marsh M9
Wildergaming as we got to run around the forest and find all the boxes.
Archie Rowe
Activities like the rope climbing course was fun and enjoyable with some parts being challenging.
Yianni Kontogiannis M7
Helping people face their fears during the leap of faith.
Dillon Jovanovski M4
The food tasted great and there was lots to eat!
Henry Mclaughlin M3
Nature bathing as it was nice and relaxing. Memphis Garcia M6